
German Bishop Knows Better Than Christ: "Exclusion" Of Women From Ordination “Unjust"

Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing knows better than Christ. In his New Year's Eve sermon he criticised the Son of God for reserving ordained ministry to men.

Bätzing faked that as a bishop he had to "take seriously" that the "exclusion" of women from priestly ordination was perceived as "unjust and inappropriate" in a [anti-Catholic] society that allegedly has long since put men and women on an "equal footing" - as if ordination to the priesthood were a "right" or a matter of "society."

He insisted that the arguments in favour of the Catholic doctrine regarding priestly ordination have long been criticised by [a heretical] theology, and are no longer accepted by many [former] believers.

Picture: Georg Bätzing, © Lothar Spurzem , CC BY-SA, #newsCqhmpmccvc

Limberg? Isn't that the place where really smelly cheese is made? This arrogant bishop will have to take up what he thinks Christ has done wrong when he kneels in front of him at his particular judgement! I shudder to think of that day.
All about normalizing homosexuality and homomarriage-- everything else is aimed at getting there-- Masons/CommunistsSatanists and the homos they brought in -- infiltration in action....
Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas and wolves accompany sinners straight into hell.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Up next, the argument gets repeated to promote ordaining openly homosexual people. After that, fighting abortion is "unjust" as well.
Another enlightened clergy that knows better than all the 2000 theology doctrine tought by men with great faith
Germany 2020
Thors Catholic Hammer
Antipope Francis & Cardinal Marx are the leaders of the schismatic German Catholic Church of which this bishop Batzing forms a part.