
Mother Miriam Meant It: “What Pope Francis Does Is Demonic”

Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God, the Jewish born founder of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, commented on September 16 on Francis' so called “Global Pact” for a “New Humanism” (Video sequence below).

Francis invites religious and political leaders to sign this pact at the Vatican on May 14. For Mother Miriam, this “is an attempt to simply control the world's population. It would be destructive and immoral.”

Francis’ event is themed “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.” It will bring together international organisations and various religions.

Mother Miriam stresses that Christ has no alliance with Belial, which is the devil, “And now we are doing it. It is planned for the Church and by the Pope to do it.”

The goal is to educate young people about a “common home.” But Mother Myriam argues that this “is the common home of the devil.”

The same goal was already planned by the Communists, hundred years ago, she argues. They failed also because of faithful Catholic, “Now, the evil has entered into the Church. And it has been bought by the very Pope himself and the hierarchy.”

The nun feared that the plans regarding an “educational village” try to “once and for all destroy the family and the human race.” For her, “this is demonic.”

On January 3, Mother Miriam apologised for her statement, “It wasn’t a good idea to comment unprepared,” she said.

She explained that she did not call Francis demonic, but only what he is doing and what is happening. Mother Miriam regrets that she was not careful enough and is sorry for any damage done,

“I am awfully sorry for the podcast. Do I mean what I said? Well I did mean what I said. It was not prudent. It was not well said. It was not prepared.”

In the Francis Church, it should not be a big deal to use the word "demonic" as Francis' leading partisans deny the devil's existence without being reprimanded.

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My heart and prayers go out to Mother Miriam. It is easy for us here to all say how she should be brave and speak out boldly and not care and not worry. Thise who are in religious life and the priesthood are on the front lines in these most terrible times. It is easy for us to say they should do bold and brave things. What have we done? Have any of us lost our security, our homes, our livelihoods …More
My heart and prayers go out to Mother Miriam. It is easy for us here to all say how she should be brave and speak out boldly and not care and not worry. Thise who are in religious life and the priesthood are on the front lines in these most terrible times. It is easy for us to say they should do bold and brave things. What have we done? Have any of us lost our security, our homes, our livelihoods over all of this? Will we stand for the truth when it is our turn?
Arthur McGowan
It is encouraging to see so many people cutting to the chase: Bergoglio is not pope. What he is doing IS demonic because he is a usurper. He was installed by the demonic powers of this world: The international Masonic/Communist/UN/Rothschild criminal pedophile/pedovore cabal.
In Rome there is not a pope, but antipope, and not Church, but end-times anticatholic counterchurch. You have to come out and do abrogation. There is one true Catholic church, outside which there is no salvation. Message for Miriam and her likes take a break and study this website, see this videos:
In Rome there is not a pope, but antipope, and not Church, but end-times anticatholic counterchurch. You have to come out and do abrogation. There is one true Catholic church, outside which there is no salvation. Message for Miriam and her likes take a break and study this website, see this videos:

Barbara Jensen
I give Mother Miriam much credit for her direct clear statement of the demonic in Bergoglio's reign. This fact must be faced.
Barbara Jansen you have to study the material and pray Rosary. It is highly recommended to pray 15 decades of rosary each day.
Jesus said ,if you tell the Truth it will set you free
Shades of the 'Mother Angelica' incident years ago?
Looks like she is been told off ,i wonder who ?
She's obviously scared they will excommunicate her.-- The Modernists get into power and of course they are ruthless totalitarians-- there is nothing "liberal" about them--they are promoters of sexual degeneracy and immorality but they will destroy any who oppose them like the hate filled cretins they truly are under the phony staged "smiles"-- look at the face of Pope F after slapping the oriental …More
She's obviously scared they will excommunicate her.-- The Modernists get into power and of course they are ruthless totalitarians-- there is nothing "liberal" about them--they are promoters of sexual degeneracy and immorality but they will destroy any who oppose them like the hate filled cretins they truly are under the phony staged "smiles"-- look at the face of Pope F after slapping the oriental woman, not staged there.... -- St. JP2 should have Excommunicated all of the Modernist Heretics instead he promoted known homosexuals and Modernists galore to Bishops (he may have been misled some but the result is the same....) -- now they run things and have an iron fist and wield the Excommunication freely -- though it is invalid as they are invalid Heretics.
We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Why does this nun continue to recognize the pontificate of an antipope? Have all the catholic priests, bishops and cardinals gone brain dead?
Pope Benedict failed to properly resign the office of pope. That problem must be urgently addressed as it lies at the heart of the church. crisis.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Somebody has to speak out Mother Miriam, to keep silent is to collude with evil