Gloria.TV News on the 12th of August 2016 Strange Appointee: In July the conservative Argentinean New-Rite-Institute of the Incarnate Word celebrated its General Chapter. According to the will of Pope …More
Gloria.TV News on the 12th of August 2016
Strange Appointee: In July the conservative Argentinean New-Rite-Institute of the Incarnate Word celebrated its General Chapter. According to the will of Pope Francis, the chapter was led by a Vatican appointed outsider, the pro-homosex Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio.
Accusations Confirmed: The General Chapter confirmed the accusations leveled against the founder of the Institute, Father Carlos M. Buela. He is now living in a house of the Institute in Italy and is not allowed to interfere in its government. Buela was accused of – quote – “sexual abuses and abuses of authority” and “manipulation of the consciences of the seminarians.”
Too Catholic: The former Buenos Aires archbishop, Jorge Maria Bergoglio, was an open enemy of the Institute of the Incarnate Word. He suspended all priestly ordinations of the group for three years and forced them to seek refuge with a bishop in Italy. Shortly after becoming Pope he accused the Institute in quite …More
I NEVER hear about any of THIS here at MY CATHOLIC CHURCHes in TEXAS or CALIFORNIA !?!? Thank - YOU
Don't let the pictures of cassocks, smiling faces and religious habits fool you. The conservatism of the IVE is a facade. The cassocks were almost never worn except for public perception. Plenty of pics of Buela in Rome in his blue clerical shirt. Their constitutions disobeyed and disregarded along with Church teaching.
St Thomas may be part of the curriculum but they neither agree with or live by …More
Don't let the pictures of cassocks, smiling faces and religious habits fool you. The conservatism of the IVE is a facade. The cassocks were almost never worn except for public perception. Plenty of pics of Buela in Rome in his blue clerical shirt. Their constitutions disobeyed and disregarded along with Church teaching.
St Thomas may be part of the curriculum but they neither agree with or live by Thomistic principles.
In many ways the way they really are Bergoglio would like and approve of. I guess he was also fooled by their Catholic appearance.
The facade was enough for Bergoglio to hate them but what they really are is what allowed him to destroy them.
The abuse and other issues are true.

For more info visit--- iveinfo.org
edison frisbee
And yet the Legionnaries of Christ continue on......
Sad to say. The accusations are true. Pray for the Institute.
@Uncle Joe: The party line of the pro-homosex at the moment seems to be: "we cannot speak about homosexual marriage" and then comes a "but if I limit myself to doctrine then I have no regard for the persons anymore".....
Cardinale pro-gay Coccopalmerio: dal Sinodo m'aspettavo qualcosa di più
Lionel L. Andrades
What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them? : Francis-Fellay talks
What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them?
The Franciscan Friars want to offer the Traditional Latin Mass, …More
What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them? : Francis-Fellay talks

What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them?
The Franciscan Friars want to offer the Traditional Latin Mass, only like the SSPX. They also want to affirm the old ecclesiology, just like the SSPX.
Why is there no dialogue with these priests who are not allowed to offer the TLM and their canonical status is irregular ?.
Like the SSPX and Pope Francis they interpret Vatican Council II with the theology of Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. Like the SSPX they reject Vatican Council II interpreted with Cushingism and are unaware of the Feeneyite alternative.

Meanwhile Pope Francis accepts Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational Cushingism, which makes the Council a break with Tradition, and in particular the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).No one has told him that there is a choice and that his irrational interpretation of the Council cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the SSPX say that they accept the dogma EENS like the 16 century missionaries, but in reality they reject the dogma theologically, by assuming that there is known salvation outside the Church.For them theologically, hypothetical cases are objective exceptions to EENS.LG 16, UR 3, NA 2 etc refer to not invisible but visible cases.They are following the objective error of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
The two popes reject the dogma EENS and say there is a development of doctrine with Vatican Council II.This is first class heresy based upon on irrational inference. The interpretation of Vatican Council II is based on the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology, which assumes there are known people in Heaven or on earth saved without the baptism of water.
The two popes like the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate accept the new theology of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which indicates there are known cases of the baptism of desire etc which are objective exceptions to the traditional Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma.It was Cardinal Richard Cushing who brought in an innovation but they criticize Fr.Leonard Feeney.
The error or mistaking hypothetical cases as being explicit was then placed in Vatican Council II (LG 14, LG 8 etc).There was an objective mistake made in the Letter of the Holy Office and based upon this mistake it was concluded in Vatican Council II( LG 14; LG 8), that there is known salvation outside the Church.
If the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immmaculate interpret Vatican Council II without this irrational premise, the Council will be in harmony with the 16 century interpretation of EENS. This would be objectionable to the two popes and the political Left which controls Catholic theology.
It would mean in Religion Class Catholic school children would affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite version).

It would also mean in Ecclesiology classes at the pontifical universities in Rome there would be no known exceptions to the old ecclesiology, the centuries old ecclesiology based on EENS.It would be saying all Jews and Muslims need to formally enter the Church with no exception, to avoid Hell. LG 14 ( those who know) refers to a hypothetical case.Also there being salvation outside the Church refers to a hypothetical case. So LG 14 and LG 8 are not exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS.
It would also mean all 'heretics and schismatics'(Council of Florence, Cantate Dominio,1441), all Christians, need to formally enter the Catholic Church with Catholic Faith( AG 7, LG 14) for salvation.
Simply by considering LG 16 as invisible and not visible (this is common sense) would cause a major change in the Catholic Church. It would be a return to the old ecclesiology, which is supported by the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate.This was the original ecclesiology associated with the Traditional Latin Mass and the Greek Byzantine Mass.

-Lionel Andrades
Uncle Joe
Strange Appointee: According to the will of Pope Francis, the chapter was led by a Vatican appointed outsider, the pro-homosex Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio.
October 09, 2014:
“We have to be honest,” Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the Vatican's highest ranking expert on Church law, said on Thursday when asked if he could foresee the Church ever granting “some sort of blessing …More
Strange Appointee: According to the will of Pope Francis, the chapter was led by a Vatican appointed outsider, the pro-homosex Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio.

October 09, 2014:
“We have to be honest,” Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the Vatican's highest ranking expert on Church law, said on Thursday when asked if he could foresee the Church ever granting “some sort of blessing” for gay couples.
“For us, and not just for us but for human culture in general, marriage is between a man and a woman,” he told a briefing on a synod, or assembly, of some 200 Roman Catholic bishops discussing family matters. The cardinal said the Church did not judge homosexual couples, regarding them as people of good faith. “But to bless this type of union ... to say that they are like [heterosexual] marriages, never. This is simply for reasons of logic and identity. To bless them is not part of the way we see Christian doctrine,” he said.
Admittedly this line: The cardinal said the Church did not judge homosexual couples, regarding them as people of good faith is problematic but typical of the Francis 'who am I to judge' pontificate.