
Cardinal Farrell Keeps Denying [Or Covering Up]

Vatican Cardinal Kevin Farrell's credibility is shattered to the point of no return. Talking to Associated Press (July 31) Farrell claimed that he “never once did even suspect” that his former boss,…More
Vatican Cardinal Kevin Farrell's credibility is shattered to the point of no return.
Talking to Associated Press (July 31) Farrell claimed that he “never once did even suspect” that his former boss, Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 88, committed homosexual abuses.
With this formulation Farrell may attempt to conceal the fact that he actually knew about the allegations, but did not want to believe them and, worse, did not act on them. Farrell was a protégé and flatmate of McCarrick.
He is realistic enough to understand that his version “might be hard to believe”. He claims that he was focused on "running the archdiocese" of Washington [auxiliary bishops are not "running" dioceses] and not caring what McCarrick was doing,
“Now, people can say 'Well you must be a right fool that you didn't notice.' I must be a right fool, but I don't think I am. And that's why I feel angry.” But others have more reasons to be "angry" than Farrell.
Farrell's statement is not credible because, as …More
Matt C Abbott of Spero News in 2006 -- 12 YEARS AGO "The reason Archbishop Myers sold the beach house was because every bishop knew of the 'nephews' [seminarians]."
Remember to join the dots: Theodore McCarrick's Cardinals: Cupich, Farrell, Tobin wholeheartedly endorsed James Martin’s pro-gay “Building a Bridge.” Cupich amd Tobin never pass a chance to facilitate pro-gay ministries and Farrell lived with McCarrick for 6 years but had no idea about him.
The oligarch media love Pope Bergoglio still, one of them. If it were Benedict, they would be screeching. Either Farrell is an incompetent or an accomplice. PF won't care unless it harms his agenda. As of now, all this discredits the Faith for the uninformed, so PF is likely content.
Such a man is completely inadequate to take high responsibility duties
Dr Bobus
The man doth protest too much (cf Hamlet). It's easy to identify a fresh grave because the burial leaves the ground higher.