"Only recently, Cardinal Walter Kasper who is close to the pope, said we could expect some big surprises shortly."

Pope Francis may move to end celibacy: Fr. Paddy O’Kane

A Derry priest has suggested Pope Francis may move to end clerical celibacy in order to address the crisis posed by the critical shortage of men …
progressive liberalism in the church
Just another step in the destruction of the priesthood. First married priests, then protestant priests, then women then who knows what.
Diocese after diocese has been cutting its clergy's stipend (pay) and idiots think that the abolition of celibacy will make things easier? How many lay workers (lay-chaplains, secretarial staff etc) are paid as little as many priests? How many married men have come forward to become 'permanent' deacons? This is not about celibacy. The problem in the Church is a combination of ignorance of the Faith …More
Diocese after diocese has been cutting its clergy's stipend (pay) and idiots think that the abolition of celibacy will make things easier? How many lay workers (lay-chaplains, secretarial staff etc) are paid as little as many priests? How many married men have come forward to become 'permanent' deacons? This is not about celibacy. The problem in the Church is a combination of ignorance of the Faith, a loss of faith and fundamentally a want of obedience to God and Truth. But it's hard to get that over to the aging liberals still stuck in the 60's and 70's.
adeste fideles
Matthew 19, 12
"For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”
adeste fideles
Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly recommended celibacy as a radical surrender of love for the Kingdom of Heaven
Married priests exist within the catholic church: You would find them under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Catholic Churches as well as also in the latin jurisdiction who are mostly converted ministers from the Episcopalian=Anglican, Methodist but also Lutheranian Congregation.