
This Is America? Young Mother TASED, CUFFED AND ARRESTED for Not Wearing Face-Mask at Mostly Empty …

On Wednesday Alecia Kitts was arrested at her son’s high school football game for not wearing a mask. …
Augustyn z Hippony
Man what about You? Big, fat person attack woman... mans look and do nothing to help her! Knights and and defenders die! Stays pimitive comunists!
Here's the juicy part. GTV has a user who lives in Ohio (Edit: had and I had nothing to do with his recent departure. Most likely someone from GTV's admin got tired of reading his death threats). Anyway, "pretty much from day 1" as he would put it, bragged how he won't wear a mask and anybody "who takes one look at him" (IIRC) wouldnt DARE make him to wear a mask either.
Now I've called that a lie …More
Here's the juicy part. GTV has a user who lives in Ohio (Edit: had and I had nothing to do with his recent departure. Most likely someone from GTV's admin got tired of reading his death threats). Anyway, "pretty much from day 1" as he would put it, bragged how he won't wear a mask and anybody "who takes one look at him" (IIRC) wouldnt DARE make him to wear a mask either.

Now I've called that a lie "from day 1" If people on GTV wonder where his bad-blood started, that's The truth stung his macho-man pride. The "big guy" got reminded he's a "little guy" just like the rest of us. He can beat his chest like a alpha-male gorilla all he wants online, when he's in the real world he puts up with the same real-world rules just like we all do.

I have noted, repeatedly,
1.) Ohio state regs require everyone to wear a mask, excusing only a few medical reasons

2.) the only way he -could- do exploit them is if he convincingly faked having asthma instead of talking tough and intimidating people the way he claimed and

3.) relevant to this news article, the "asthma excuse" just isn't working anymore.

Too many fakers like him have ruined it for everyone else including genuine asthma sufferers. Good job, guy. That's what real men do... fake being sick. "I can't wear a mask cuz I got asthma. I can't hold a job cuz I got a bad back". Same kind of excuses...

Consequently, authorities are now very "understanding" about those "health concerns", but they're also very focused on "safety comes first".

Sorry, Ma'am, you're going to have to put on a mask or leave the venue. And when she wouldn't do one or the other, that's when thing got ugly.

"After being told by the school resource officer several times to put on a mask, Kitts said she had asthma and refused to put her face covering on."

She refused to leave, then she was told she was under arrest, then she put up a fight and then she got tased.

This is her fault start to finish and this is why Big Bad Jimmy wears a mask like a good little boy just like everyone else in Ohio does.

All his tough-guy talk on GTV has the same amount of truth as his endless attacks on the Pope.
Naw, Jim Dorchak. Don't freak out, the Gateway Pundit's got the whole thing wrong. Detailed article here. The Logan Ohio PD even recognize how this could be misinterpreted in such a fashion.
"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was …More
Naw, Jim Dorchak. Don't freak out, the Gateway Pundit's got the whole thing wrong. Detailed article here. The Logan Ohio PD even recognize how this could be misinterpreted in such a fashion.

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force,"

She was "Tased, Cuffed, and Arrested" for putting up a fight. When a police officer issues you an order, you have two choices: 1.) comply 2.) disobey and get arrested.

When you get arrested you have two choices: 1.) comply 2.) disobey and the officer WILL use physical force until 1.) happens.

I don't know beans about Chilean law enforcement, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if they allow people gettting arrested to attack officers without using force to stop the attack.
@Jim Dorchak
No, he is not. He is not clever enough to see the obvious causal relation.
1. She was arrested for not leaving the premises.
2. She was to leave the premises because she was violating school policy.
3 The school policy she had violated was : she was to wear a mask.
Then 3 was the cause of 1 & 2.
Neo-bolsheviks are feeling very good in the world of VIs who learnt how to use Internet …More
@Jim Dorchak
No, he is not. He is not clever enough to see the obvious causal relation.
1. She was arrested for not leaving the premises.
2. She was to leave the premises because she was violating school policy.
3 The school policy she had violated was : she was to wear a mask.
Then 3 was the cause of 1 & 2.
Neo-bolsheviks are feeling very good in the world of VIs who learnt how to use Internet search engines but do not understand basic causal relationships.
...and today, @V.R.S. demonstrates his utter ignorance of American Law and logic as well. The cause of her arrest was her refusal to leave, not her refusal to follow school policy, you stupid moron.
Trespassing is a crime, failure to follow school policy is not. If she had left, then 1.) she would not have been arrested and 2.) she would not have to wear a mask. Simply put, venues have the …More
...and today, @V.R.S. demonstrates his utter ignorance of American Law and logic as well. The cause of her arrest was her refusal to leave, not her refusal to follow school policy, you stupid moron.

Trespassing is a crime, failure to follow school policy is not. If she had left, then 1.) she would not have been arrested and 2.) she would not have to wear a mask. Simply put, venues have the right to enforce a dress-code. "No Shoes/ No Shirt/ No Service" is a classic. If you refuse to comply with the venue's requirements, you will be asked to leave. If you refuse, then you will be arrested for trespassing. The cause of your arrest is your refusal to follow the venue's policies.

In terms of what you call "causal relation", the first-order cause was the woman's refusal to leave, second-order cause was the woman's refusal to follow school policy. The specific school policy she broke is irrelevant to her refusal to comply with the policy or leave. If she'd been wearing a shirt with a rude/ offensive slogan on it, she would have been asked to cover it up or leave as well because American schools have policies against that as well. That's the mistake you're making.

Got that, lamb-chop?

I've told you this before and now is a good time as any to repeat it. Pick your arguments. You don't understand American Law any better than you do American English and you use "Bolshevik" the way other fatuous foreign pseudo-intellectuals use "neoconservative" when it's just as irrelevant and inaccurate.

Short version, you don't know English, you don't know Amercian law, (worst of all) you don't know how to reason regardless of what langauge you speak. That's a catastrophic amount of ignorance if you pursue your petty, juvenile grudge against a GTV-user thoroughly well-versed in all of the above. Now go sulk in the Polish language section, like you normally do.
"The specific school policy she broke is irrelevant to her refusal to comply with the policy or leave"
The specific Gulag policy they broke was irrelevant to their refusal to comply with the policy or die. That's how useful idiots of the past worshipping positive law were thinking.
Hyperbole won't cover your failed reasoning in demonstrating a "causal relationship". Your references to the Gulag system simply don't apply. The Gulags were a state-run prison labour system. Those sent to it weren't just political dissenters but also common criminals who preyed on ordinary citizens as all crminals do world-wide. Your ignorance is betraying itself. Shall I link a supporting article …More
Hyperbole won't cover your failed reasoning in demonstrating a "causal relationship". Your references to the Gulag system simply don't apply. The Gulags were a state-run prison labour system. Those sent to it weren't just political dissenters but also common criminals who preyed on ordinary citizens as all crminals do world-wide. Your ignorance is betraying itself. Shall I link a supporting article or will that send you into another round of hysterical bleating about "Internet search engines"?

Poor lamb. When you serve yourself up like this, at least have the grace to offer the diner a small dish of mint sauce. :D
Our Lady of Sorrows
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