Sister Eulalia Is the Only One Left

Sister Eulalia, 70, is the only nun currently living in the famous Convento de las Petras in Cuenca, Spain. Founded in 1509, the Convent of the Justinian Nuns is located opposite the Cathedral. It …More
Sister Eulalia, 70, is the only nun currently living in the famous Convento de las Petras in Cuenca, Spain.
Founded in 1509, the Convent of the Justinian Nuns is located opposite the Cathedral. It survived many very difficult times, but it did not survive the Second Vatican Council, its liturgical reform and the subsequent decadence among bishops and priests.
"It is very painful to walk around alone in this huge building; you miss the sisters with whom you lived", she told (4 July). There is a woman who comes to clean and stays overnight. Sister Eulalia is the superior and the community in personal union.
"We get up at a quarter to six or earlier," she says, still using the "we" form.
The nun entered the convent more than half a century ago, when the community was quite large.
Vocations have continued to come, but over time the older ones have died and now "the young women do not want to commit themselves and enter the convents to dedicate a cloistered life to the …More
Boanerges Boanerges
The sign of great apostasy of end times
Father Karl A Claver
Thank you, Vatican II. Look what updating the Church has done.