"The scientist whose advice prompted Boris Johnson to lock down Britain resigned from his Government advisory position on Tuesday night as The Telegraph can reveal he broke social distancing rules to meet his married lover."

Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover

The scientist whose advice prompted Boris Johnson to lock down Britain resigned from his Government …
Ferguson has previous form as the person who exagerated Mad Cow disease and foot and mouth disease thus decimating the countryside economy and leading to the bankruptcy of family farms and the suicides of several farmers. He also called Bird Flu and SARS1 wrong by a degree of magnitude. And now we find he's not only a mathematically-challenged idiot and moral degenerate but a fully-signed up member …More
Ferguson has previous form as the person who exagerated Mad Cow disease and foot and mouth disease thus decimating the countryside economy and leading to the bankruptcy of family farms and the suicides of several farmers. He also called Bird Flu and SARS1 wrong by a degree of magnitude. And now we find he's not only a mathematically-challenged idiot and moral degenerate but a fully-signed up member of the Open Borders, Anti-Brexit, Climate Alarmism faction. I wonder why he's listened to and why he's so keen to crash economies?
De Profundis
Prof Ferguson's private life is his business. But that he has condemned 65 million British people to house arrest on the basis of something he plainly doesn't believe himself is disturbing.
Hugh N. Cry
Rules for thee, not for me.
Three cheers for a media source providing some worthwhile reporting for a change. This also proves he's a fraud. He doesn't even follow his own rot.
Author of the UK version of the Covid fraud and his self satisfied trollop
Alex A
One law for the masses and another............