
US Congress Reinstalls Sanctions on Earthquake Syria

The US House voted by 414 against 2 in favour of maintaining crippling sanctions against Syria, despite the devastating earthquake that killed at least 5,900 people. Syria is the last pluralistic …More
The US House voted by 414 against 2 in favour of maintaining crippling sanctions against Syria, despite the devastating earthquake that killed at least 5,900 people.
Syria is the last pluralistic countries in the Middle East where Muslims and Christians live peacefully together. The sanctions are designed to prevent the country from rebuilding itself after years of war.
Most of Syria's oil is currently taken away by the US, which has waged a war against Syria and occupies a third of the country.
US sanctions against Syria have killed more Syrians than ISIS. The oligarchs’ media ignore all of this.
Picture: © Alaa Ealyawi, wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsFkzgxuepzp
Syria houses the nukes for the global jihad. (Anyone paying attention during Desert Storm would know that). People need to stop judging by appearances.
alfred dunn
If you had paid attention, you would know that no weapons of mass destruction were found.
They were moved to Syria...
Rand Miller
Apparently the House has two people with a bit of compassion.
Leave the Sirian people alone