
Bishops Unimpressed by "Synodality"

Bishops at the Youth Synod took “umbrage over the new language” used in the final document's draft - Cardinal Gracias of Mumbai, India, told CruxNow.com (October 25).

Gracias said that there was “some resistance” against the document because it has so much on “synodality when we really haven’t discussed it” - a proof that the document on "synodality" was written without synodality.

Especially bishops from countries with Anglican presence remained unconvinced, CruxNow.com writes. They pointed out that “synodality” could be seen as the Church moving towards a vote system for settling [or creating] disputes similar to Anglicanism.

A strong opponent of “synodality” was liberal Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols. He argued that non-Catholic churches have sufficiently shown that "synodality" simply “doesn’t work”.

Picture: Oswald Gracias, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYwaeupslui
Why don't the Bishops learn from these 'SIN ODDS' that are nothing but a sham and WALK OUT??!! It's what they should have done in the 'SIN ODDS ON THE FAMILY' when they pulled this malarkey and it's what they should do now!! How many times must this sort of nonsense happen before they LEARN??
Is Synodality =stupidity ???
Lisi Sterndorfer
ELECTED TODAY TO SYNOD'S ORDINARY COUNCIL: Lacroix (Québec), Tobin (Newark); Tagle (Manila), Gracias (Bombay), Bo (Yangon); Schönborn (Vienna), Zuppi (Bologna) Omella Omella (Barcelona); Nzapalaingi (CAR), Mblingi (Angola), Fuanya (Cameroon); Fisher (Sydney); Eastern Rites:Younan
“If we don’t understand it, how can we vote on it?” he asked. “Some have said, we don’t have sufficient Italian to be able to make a judgement. We’re saying yes to something we don’t know, and that’s not right.” - Oswald Cardinal Gracias