
Bishop Hails Martin Luther as “Mystic of Grace”

Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron writes on aleteia.org, that Alec Ryrie's book “Protestants” caused him to look differently at Martin Luther, “for at the core of Luther’s life and theology was an overwhelming experience of grace". He calls Luther’s “religious movement” a “love affair”. And, “Luther was a mystic of grace, someone who had fallen completely in love.”

In realty Luther was a drunkard, who called the Mass “the greatest and most terrible abomination” of all “papal idolatries” (Schmalkald Articles).

He said things like:

“Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St John tell’s us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has He been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalen, and thirdly with the women taken in adultery whom He dismissed so lightly. Thus even, Christ who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.” (Tischreden, Weimarer Edition, Vol. 2, p. 107).

Or: “I have greater confidence in my wife and my pupils than I have in Christ” (Tischreden, 2397b).

Or: “It is not in opposition to the Holy Scriptures for a man to have several wives.” (De Wette, Vol. 2, p. 459).

Picture: Robert Barron, © Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, CC BY-NC , #newsEziyiaanon
He's a sycophant hoping frankenpope will notice.
@Deblette: I am sorry to tell you that your posting is slanderous. Here are the Barron quotes in context:
" There is always something protesting about Protestantism. But to see this dimension alone is to miss the heart of the matter. For at the core of Luther’s life and theology was an overwhelming experience of grace. After years of trying in vain to please God through heroic moral and spiritual …More
@Deblette: I am sorry to tell you that your posting is slanderous. Here are the Barron quotes in context:

" There is always something protesting about Protestantism. But to see this dimension alone is to miss the heart of the matter. For at the core of Luther’s life and theology was an overwhelming experience of grace. After years of trying in vain to please God through heroic moral and spiritual effort, Luther realized that, despite his unworthiness, he was loved by a God who had died to save him."

"It is easy enough to see this ecstatic element in any number of prominent Protestant figures, from John Wesley to Friedrich Schleiermacher to John Newton. Luther was an ecstatic, and the religious movement he launched was “a love affair.”

"This is why I say Ryrie has caused me to look at Luther in a new light. One of the standard matrices for understanding religion is the distinction between the mystical and the prophetic, or between the experiential and the rational. On the standard reading, Luther would fall clearly on the latter side of this divide. He is, it would seem, the theologian of the word par excellence."

"At bottom, Luther was a mystic of grace, someone who had fallen completely in love—which helps enormously to explain what makes his theological ideas both so fascinating and so frustrating. People in love do and say extravagant things. "

etc. etc.

For the whole
One might wish to actually listen to what Bishop Barron said. Whoever posted this article, took two partial sentences out of an eight minute talk and placed them in a very twisted way to try to make Bishop Barron look like he is praising Luther. He didn't. This is the lowest form of fake news and it truly is a violation of the 9th commandment. Bearing false witness. A rule of thumb is that if someone …More
One might wish to actually listen to what Bishop Barron said. Whoever posted this article, took two partial sentences out of an eight minute talk and placed them in a very twisted way to try to make Bishop Barron look like he is praising Luther. He didn't. This is the lowest form of fake news and it truly is a violation of the 9th commandment. Bearing false witness. A rule of thumb is that if someone posts something that is in complete opposition to what you really know about someone, then it is a lie. This article is a lie. So, you who have commented by buying this crap and then attacking Bishop Barron are no better than the writer. Sad.
coco puffs
This is why you not ordain homosexuals, or worse, make them bishops. Homosexuality darkens the mind. Then you have stupid statements like this.
Please bishop Barron, convert to Lutheranism if its so great.
Dr Bobus
He has a group of videos named Catholicism. Maybe now he'll come out with Protestantism.