Plans for a priestless church in Belgium

Modernist plans for a Church without Priests in Belgium

No, we don't want a Church without priests We would like to react and oppose the content of a brochure published by nine people from Liège who …
It's simply Protestantism, a re-run of the 15th century amore radical than Luther, Calvin and the rest.
Sally Dorman
At least the call to 'abolish the clergy' ignites controversy in Belgium
Wilma Lopez shares this
On Feb. 17, Liège Bishop Jean-Pierre Delville issued a critical response to the booklet: “These words are felt to be unjust and unfair by many priests, deacons, and lay Christians,” he wrote. “I perceive them as totally false when I think of the amount of dedication that I have seen in the priests and other pastoral actors of our diocese during the almost 10 years of my episcopate.”
Denis Efimov
These "nine people from Liège" are simply not Catholics, but rather Protestants. It is logical that they want to do without priests.