STATEMENT by H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio on the accusation of schism “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other …More
by H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò,
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio
on the accusation of schism
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed. As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let him be anathema.” - Gal 1:8-9
“When I think that we are in the palace of the Holy Office, which is the exceptional witness of the Tradition and of the defense of the Catholic Faith, I cannot stop myself from thinking that I am at home, and that it is me, whom you call “the traditionalist,” who should judge you.” So spoke Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1979, when he was summoned to the former Holy Office, in the presence of the Prefect, Cardinal Franjo Šeper, and two other Prelates.
As I stated in my Communiqué of June 20, I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge me, nor of its …More
la verdad prevalece
It is ridiculous that the Bergoglians seek out Catholic quotes to apply to a notorious and persistent heretic. As if Bergoglio were exempt from submitting to the laws of God.
la verdad prevalece
@brhenry Subject to the Pope, not to a heretic who challenges God and the Church.
la verdad prevalece
@brhenry According to you, the apostate angels should have been subject to Lucifer because he was their boss, regardless of the fact that he challenged God.
Catholic Dogma
" Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff." Pope Boniface VIII
Unam Sanctam - Papal Encyclicals
Live Mike
"It is a fatal error to hold that a heretic is a valid pope and that those who separate from a heretic leave the Church and are schismatics."
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has the right to express a personal judgement, which is his right to conscience.
Although A TRUE POPE CANNOT fall under the jurisdiction of the Church (or even a future or past pope - as an equal cannot judge an equal), A DUBIOUS …More
"It is a fatal error to hold that a heretic is a valid pope and that those who separate from a heretic leave the Church and are schismatics."

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has the right to express a personal judgement, which is his right to conscience.
Although A TRUE POPE CANNOT fall under the jurisdiction of the Church (or even a future or past pope - as an equal cannot judge an equal), A DUBIOUS POPE CAN fall under its jurisdiction. According to the Church's teaching and canonical tradition, AN HERETICAL OCCUPANT OF THE PAPAL THRONE CAN BE JUDGED by the Church. A heretic is an incapable subject of the papacy, for which reasons the canonical tradition of the Church rules that A HERETIC IS NOT A VALID POPE.
A heretic can't be a true pope. IT IS A FATAL ERROR TO SAY THAT A HERETIC IS A VALID POPE AND THAT THOSE WHO SEPARATE FROM A HERETIC LEAVE THE CHURCH AND ARE SCHISMATICS. But the heretic is an anti-pope who defects from the Church. Those who separate from him remain in the Church. But those who remain under the heretic follow him out of the Church into schism.

It is not Vigano's private opinion but is an evident and undeniable fact that the Bergoglian magisterium officially teaches heresy against the Catholic faith.
Live Mike
“The prophecy of Fatima is not a pleasant document to read – not pleasant news. It implies – it doesn't make any sense unless we accept that there will be, or that there is in progress – a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics and laity in the Catholic Church, that THE INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION of the Roman Catholic ChurchUNLESS THAT IS TOTALLY DISRUPTED AND RENDERED NULL & VOID, the Third …More
“The prophecy of Fatima is not a pleasant document to read – not pleasant news. It implies – it doesn't make any sense unless we accept that there will be, or that there is in progress – a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics and laity in the Catholic Church, that THE INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION of the Roman Catholic ChurchUNLESS THAT IS TOTALLY DISRUPTED AND RENDERED NULL & VOID, the Third Secret makes no sense, and number two, that it means intense suffering for believers.”– Fr. Malachi Martin, reader of the Third Secret of Fatima & advisor to Pope John XXIII, excerpt taken from an interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, 4 May 1998