
Msgr. X: Thanks to Pope Bergoglio for Edifying us with Tribulations.

1 Gennaio 2021 Marco Tosatti Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, yesterday Msgr. X sent us this reflection for the end of the …
No, it's Pope Benedict XVI, as it's always been since the death of JP II.
Thank you, Bergoglio. And I mean that sincerely. I pray for your conversion.
Fact Check: Cardinal Bergoglio chose the Pontfical Name "Francis", so it's "Pope Francis", not Pope Bergoglio. Msgr. X doesn't know what he's talking about any more than Pope Francis' does.
Pope Francis isn't persecuting Catholics, he's ignoring their persecution. He hasn't confused Church doctrine. He's made obvious errors in discussing it, those are recognizable, so there isn't any confusion. …More
Fact Check: Cardinal Bergoglio chose the Pontfical Name "Francis", so it's "Pope Francis", not Pope Bergoglio. Msgr. X doesn't know what he's talking about any more than Pope Francis' does.

Pope Francis isn't persecuting Catholics, he's ignoring their persecution. He hasn't confused Church doctrine. He's made obvious errors in discussing it, those are recognizable, so there isn't any confusion. There are no eight years of "tribulations", that's empty rhetoric not supported by the facts. Francis' papacy has been eight years of a bad Pope, and one comparatively modest compared to far worse ones in history.

In point of fact, the worst "tribulation" one not seen before in history, hasn't been Francis' doing at all. The bishops have closed the churches, not the Pope.

Way to go Msgr. X. You criticize an error-riddled Pope with errors of your own!
Excellent explanation. Thanks