Wilma Lopez
Filioque English (36): a minor contribution to the synodal path Despite having no formal obligation to take part in it, Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. is pleased to present here his minor contribution to …More
Filioque English (36): a minor contribution to the synodal path
Despite having no formal obligation to take part in it, Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. is pleased to present here his minor contribution to the synodal path.
"Do you wanted to be hated because you tell the truth, or do you want to be despised because you don't tell the truth"
"Being a witness is no rocket-science"
"By our faith, our life becomes more simple"
"The faith needs to be transmitted with clarity, humility and courage."
"The biggest threat to anybody, whose duty is to represent Christ in this world, is vanity"
Keywords: Contemplation | Contempt | Despise | Faithful to your choice | Fr.Elias Leyds c.s.j. | FilioQue 36 English | Humility | Listening and watching | Stick to principles | Synodal path |
jobina shares this
Maria Pocs
"Do you want to be despised because you don't tell the truth? It is as simple as that."
Sally Dorman shares this
This is brillant - on the Synod! "I don't know how to talk about talking for the sake of talking"
It will be the orthodox monastic wisdom that saves Western Civilization. They did it in the medieval period and I believe they will do it again.