Manipulation: "Christ Forgave Judas" - Francis

In his homily on Thursday at the women's prison in Rebibbia, Italy, Francis once again "canonised" Judas, whom Christ said it would have been better for him not to have been born. "Judas is incapable …More
In his homily on Thursday at the women's prison in Rebibbia, Italy, Francis once again "canonised" Judas, whom Christ said it would have been better for him not to have been born.
"Judas is incapable of carrying love forward. Then money and selfishness lead him to this evil [betrayal]. But Jesus forgives everything. Jesus always forgives," Francis claimed, as if he wanted to conjure up a blank cheque for his own betrayals of the Church.
Francis then claimed that Christ "only asks us to ask for forgiveness". But this is not true, for he also requires sacramental confession, repentance, the intention to change and satisfaction.
Once again, Francis tries to overrule God Almighty. Won't be the last time
Mary 17
Rheims Bible
The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio instrumentalizes the Priestly Ritual of the Washing of the Feet, a symbolic rite with which we say that the Priesthood and the Eucharist are instituted on Holy Thursday. Bergoglio mocks the priesthood instituted by Jesus Christ.
la verdad prevalece
Already in Argentina, the apostate Jorge Bergoglio contradicted Sacred Scripture
Opera 369
It seems that kissing feet is one of the few traditions he does not mind at all doing! 🥴 He has no problem 'bowing' down to that, but he has often had an aversion genuflecting in front of the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Lady (and celebrating Mass since 2022). His old therapist should examine that aspect and divulge it Urbi et Orbi!? 🤒
@Opera 369 Yesterday I attended the Holy Thursday liturgy at our parish and during the foot-washing rite I started to think about 'why' I find Francis' actions so objectionable. Then it dawned on me [perhaps the Holy Spirit led me to comprehend]. Who kisses feet in the Gospels? The sinful woman (traditionally Mary Magdalene) to give homage to Christ. This text was just read the day previous. Note:…More
@Opera 369 Yesterday I attended the Holy Thursday liturgy at our parish and during the foot-washing rite I started to think about 'why' I find Francis' actions so objectionable. Then it dawned on me [perhaps the Holy Spirit led me to comprehend]. Who kisses feet in the Gospels? The sinful woman (traditionally Mary Magdalene) to give homage to Christ. This text was just read the day previous. Note: it was worship given the the Son of God by a sinner! At the Last Supper, it wasn't reported that Jesus kissed anyone's feet - he washed them as a form of humble service! The very Son of God showing the disciples how they were to serve. When Francis turns this act into a cloying, caress of people's feet it seems to me it has the symbolism of God paying homage to mere men. Remember he said we should 'worship' the poor. This is the overarching error of the modernists - the "cult of man" replacing the worship of God Almighty!
Opera 369
@Orthocat Correct you are! Everything, every little action that Bergoglio has done in the past long, long 11 years, have been all 'orchestrated' by the people that probably pull his cords...but also by his beliefs. Just 2 examples: going back to the first night, March 13, 2013, before he comes out on the balcony (without the usual Papal Red cape) he placed his 'right hand on his heart', also the …More
@Orthocat Correct you are! Everything, every little action that Bergoglio has done in the past long, long 11 years, have been all 'orchestrated' by the people that probably pull his cords...but also by his beliefs. Just 2 examples: going back to the first night, March 13, 2013, before he comes out on the balcony (without the usual Papal Red cape) he placed his 'right hand on his heart', also the 2 columns on either side of the balcony had been wrapped in 'red velvet'. (2 clear signs of who had placed him on the Chair and who he really was going to serve and serves still:

high powered masons/jesuits)! So, to all the dear Catholics, don't be upset with what that man does, he's not a Pope, never has been, does not represent the Catholic Church that we all belong to, as by Tradition. The Lord is with us, take heart and be stronger everyday, in your True Faith; this is my heartfelt invitation, especially during this Triduum!
Spoken like a true heretic.
Tony M