
Why Francis Promotes Liberal Cardinal Danneels

An anonymous cardinal has told English journalist Damian Thompson why Pope Francis invited pro-gay Cardinal Godfried Danneels to the Synod of the Family (2014), although Danneels had covered up abuses. …More
An anonymous cardinal has told English journalist Damian Thompson why Pope Francis invited pro-gay Cardinal Godfried Danneels to the Synod of the Family (2014), although Danneels had covered up abuses.
"To thank him for votes [in the 2013 conclave]" - the cardinal said according to Thompson (Twitter, August 20).
But Danneels' invitation by Francis to the synod caused a public scandal.
Danneels retired in January 2010. In April of the same year he told the nephew of then Brugge Bishop Robert Vangheluwe, a liberal, to remain silent about homosexual abuses he suffered from his uncle.
Danneels was a member of the so called St Gallen mafia, a group of cardinals and bishops that started in 1996 a secret plot (“no notes”, “discretion required”) to elect a liberal pope - preferably Jorge Bergoglio.
Picture: Godfried Danneels, © Paul Van Welden, CC BY-SA, #newsKwzehkjcud
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Cdls Danneels & Ex-Cdl McCarrick campaigned for Bergoglio to be Pope, as did ++Maradiaga on eve of Conclave, phoning up various cardinals from the Honduran embassy in Rome. Despite their pasts, all 3 prelates have since been special advisors of Francis or rehabilitated by him.
Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of June 2013
In an interview with a Belgian newspaper former Brussels …More
Cdls Danneels & Ex-Cdl McCarrick campaigned for Bergoglio to be Pope, as did ++Maradiaga on eve of Conclave, phoning up various cardinals from the Honduran embassy in Rome. Despite their pasts, all 3 prelates have since been special advisors of Francis or rehabilitated by him.

Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of June 2013


In an interview with a Belgian newspaper former Brussels archbishop Cardinal Godfried Danneels has urged everyone to obey the law and not to oppose gay marriage. Danneels claimed that the Church – quote -. According to Danneels this is not the same as the true marriage between a man and a woman, - quote - so we need to find another word for the dictionary.” Nevertheless the cardinal continues: “Insofar as it is legal - that it has been rendered legitimate by law - the Church has nothing to say about it.”

Apostate Cardinal Danneels not opposed to sodomitical "marriage"

Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of December 2014
Murphy O’Connor, Kasper, Danneels and Lehmann formed a group that organized the election of Cardinal Bergoglio.
Gloria.TV News on the 18th of September 2015
Covering Up Child Abuse? – No Problem: Voice of the Family has commented on the fact that Pope Francis has personally appointed retired Brussels Cardinal Danneels to the upcoming Synod on the Family although Danneels has covered up child abuse in the past. But for the Vatican and for the media this seems to be no problem, since Danneels is strongly pro-divorce and pro-homosex. The conclusion: The political agenda is more important than child abuse.