
Can't Argue With Ad Hominem Attacks - By Bill Donohue (Catholic League)

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on reaction to his analysis of the Pennsylvania grand jury report:

The outpouring of support and commendation I have received regarding my analysis of the Pennsylvania grand jury report is much appreciated, especially when it comes from priests and bishops. The response has been so positive that it is being translated into Spanish and will soon be widely distributed.

Not surprisingly, there has also been a wave of hateful and often obscene phone calls, emails, and tweets. We don’t reply to the crazies.

A few years ago I was talking to Alan Dershowitz about some issues—he has been the target of much vitriol lately as well—and he said something to the effect that “Bill, I’m older than you. I’ve lived through McCarthyism, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, but never have I seen more hatred in America than today.”

Matters have only gotten worse. To cite one example, there is an article by (bold)Andrew Ferguson(bold) posted online by the Weekly Standard that reeks of hatred. Never once does he challenge anything I said in my analysis of the grand jury report. All he does is rant.

“Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report Debunked.” That’s the fairly unremarkable title of my article. But it sent Ferguson reeling—he accused me of choosing a “grandiose and self-congratulatory title.”

My first sentence also pushed him over the edge. “Unlike most commentators and reporters,” I wrote, “I have read most of the Pennsylvania grand jury report.” Again, fairly pedestrian stuff. Here is what Ferguson said about that one sentence:

“This is what the philosophers call an ‘argument from authority,’ with a special twist: the authority Donahue [sic] cites is his own. While all you bedwetters were getting your panties in a twist, old Bill D was stayin’ up doin’ his homework.”

Ferguson’s piece continues to go downhill from there. Never once does he show that anything I said is false. He can’t—he marshals not a single fact. His entire screed is an ad hominem attack that is strewn with name calling, and void of any empirical evidence, data, logic, or reason.

It is impossible to argue with such folks. But the next time Ferguson flies off the handle he should at least learn to spell my name right.
May God bless him for what appears to be very sincere intentions.
Joseph a' Christian
@alex j - Your statement is strong and accurate.
Almighty God strengthen you more, of His great goodness.
your brother, Joseph
alex j
Bill, Because someone is not as well informed as yourself doesn't make him/her crazy. The anger is justified and people need a venue to vent their anger. You used the phrase- "Ferguson's piece continues to go downhill from there."- Open your eyes Bill. the Church itself, along with secular society, continues to go downhill. I am just a Catholic pew sitter, an elderly man who has seen the Church, …More
Bill, Because someone is not as well informed as yourself doesn't make him/her crazy. The anger is justified and people need a venue to vent their anger. You used the phrase- "Ferguson's piece continues to go downhill from there."- Open your eyes Bill. the Church itself, along with secular society, continues to go downhill. I am just a Catholic pew sitter, an elderly man who has seen the Church, slowly at first, tearing it'self apart with man centered modernism and ever increasing scandal. The [non] fruits of V11, I would suggest, are self evident, yet like the "Emperor without clothes" the majority of Bishops, Cardinals, and yes, even the Pope, blindly continue to 'heap more of the same' on to the laity and priests. Apart from a few church's here and there, "The Faith of our Fathers" is no more. We literally turned our backs on our "BLESSED SAVIOUR" and we wonder why all the filth and scandal is reeking CHRIST'S CHURCH with the smell of the devil. Ultimately the blame for this mess lies with those in high places . However I have little confidence that such persons, as a body of prelates will bring about the needed rooting out of the pervasive homosexual problem in the church simply because they often are, part of the problem. Take a step back Bill and smell the stench emanating from the Church. Turn your talents to helping others in cleansing the Church and not to defending the indefensible.