Swedish church removes crosses to make Muslim migrants feel welcome. Ezra Levant of reports on the Swedish bishop who has ordered crosses removed from a Stockholm church to avoid offending …More
Swedish church removes crosses to make Muslim migrants feel welcome.
Ezra Levant of reports on the Swedish bishop who has ordered crosses removed from a Stockholm church to avoid offending Muslim migrants. They're even marking the direction to Mecca! Like German chancellor Angela Merkel, this bishop hates her own culture and history so much she wants to hand it over to invaders without a fight. This Swedish bishop is also a lesbian. Doesn't she know what Muslim fundamentalists do to women like her? The bigger question is, Isn't anybody prepared to defend the West any more? Help build The Rebel’s new studio, literally brick by brick! LEARN MORE at JOIN for more fearless news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else.
This doesn't bother me, simply because this is not a bishop this person is a nutjob without authority which was given to her by someone without authority and so on and so on...all the way back to idiot luther who also had no authority, therefore she has no validity, her taking down crosses means nothing even terrorists take down crosses. When Nasty Nancy tore up the speech doesn’t mean that Trump …More
This doesn't bother me, simply because this is not a bishop this person is a nutjob without authority which was given to her by someone without authority and so on and so on...all the way back to idiot luther who also had no authority, therefore she has no validity, her taking down crosses means nothing even terrorists take down crosses. When Nasty Nancy tore up the speech doesn’t mean that Trump didn't mean what was written, ofcoarse he did; all it means is that Nancy IS NASTY
Alex A
Leftist Protestants being leftist Protestants. *shrug* When they're finally done handing over Europe to the Muslims nobody will even notice it's happened.
We don't want the muslins to be offended by the cross as they cut the heads off of Christians, now do we?
The false church is evolving...the ultimate plan is to make all the new rite parishes this way...please lord knock these temples down
Church of martyrs has become church of garters. Feminine men all....
Welcome the wolves in. When they devour the sheep don't complain.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
She will get her just sharia reward when Muslims become more powerful, both as a ‘bishop’ and especially as a woman.
J G Tasan