Gloria.TV News on the 7th of February. State Help For First Communion and Confirmation Reduced They Do not Mean Religious Liberty Last Supper Abused Shot and Strung Up?More
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of February.
State Help For First Communion and Confirmation Reduced
They Do not Mean Religious Liberty
Last Supper Abused
Shot and Strung Up?
holyrope 3
Well, I could name a few places in Colorado...you know how those "roach coaches" they call them, that go to places of business selling sandwiches...but yours are like the ones' in Colorado called "the taco taxi-man" or "tamale molly". 😌
Holy Cannoli
Holy Rope,
Who does this remind you of?
Holy Rope,

Who does this remind you of?


holyrope 3
Oh, Holy Cannoli...what about Trini Lopez? What was that he sang? La Bamba?
holyrope 3
Holy Cannoli, Venerable brother, to whom shares the true wisdom of the Catholic Truth in Her teachings. While there are those who close their ears to the truth, you have time and time again given proof of true Catholic doctrine and Holy Mother Church's teachings...keep up the good work dear brother in Christ, and may we pray for those who have ears but do not hear, eyes, but do not see. Peace to …More
Holy Cannoli, Venerable brother, to whom shares the true wisdom of the Catholic Truth in Her teachings. While there are those who close their ears to the truth, you have time and time again given proof of true Catholic doctrine and Holy Mother Church's teachings...keep up the good work dear brother in Christ, and may we pray for those who have ears but do not hear, eyes, but do not see. Peace to you. 😇
Holy Cannoli
Dear Holy Rope,
Greetings and grace from an ordinary sinner but surrounded by self-described miserable sinners (I would add, miserable human beings as well) who have arrived on this thread.
Interesting isn't it that the pompous, sanctimonious pretenders to the faith arrive on this thread, not to
substantively discuss the topics in the news of the day, but rather to cast aspersions on other members …More
Dear Holy Rope,

Greetings and grace from an ordinary sinner but surrounded by self-described miserable sinners (I would add, miserable human beings as well) who have arrived on this thread.

Interesting isn't it that the pompous, sanctimonious pretenders to the faith arrive on this thread, not to
substantively discuss the topics in the news of the day, but rather to cast aspersions on other members of Gloria.tv?

If this strange behavior happened occasionally one could possibly understand it as a temporary loss of cognitive function but it happens too often to be so readily dismissed. Their behavior is deliberate, repetitive and indicates a very weak mentality.

One wonders at the severity of the mental deficiency and obsessiveness that governs the behavior of these “Catholic in name only” hypocrites.

It would literally be a cold day in hell when the proven plagiarist and bible prooftexting simpleton has anything of substance to say about the topic of a given thread.

If the creature is not plagiarizing material from other writers without giving credit, he quotes scripture, saints, popes and anybody else that he believes will give credibility to his empty-headed rambling posts. Those quotes do nothing other than to further demonstrate this individual's poor education and his inadequacy in the arena of cognitive thought and debate.

Respected sister,

Laugh at them as I do. In reality, these snail-skulled little trolls are frustrated, confused and angry. On a good day they are half-wits and deficient in all that lends character. I would rather kiss an atheist female lawyer than to be seen with either one of these miserable creatures.

Prayer may help them but with so many years of decay behind them, their obstinacy, and their rock-hard stupidity, unless there is a miracle, it may even be too late for that as well.

I am reminded of a quote that perfectly fits the posers who have polluted this thread:

Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn’t misuse it.
Bl. John Paul II

Holy Cannoli
Your words will be your testimony.
Same for you.
Quote from RomanCandle on 18/11/2010
I fast every Friday on “bread & water” and pray throughout the day....
Quote from RomanCandle on 02/12/10
I fast every Tuesday on “bread & water”
I pray the following prayers each time I take a glass of water and a slice of bread

Your words will be your testimony.

Same for you.

Quote from RomanCandle on 18/11/2010
I fast every Friday on “bread & water” and pray throughout the day....

Quote from RomanCandle on 02/12/10
I fast every Tuesday on “bread & water”
I pray the following prayers each time I take a glass of water and a slice of bread

Holy Rope and Holy Cannoli, it is you that have set the
measure. Sobeit. Your words will be your testimony.
“For with what judgment you judge, you shall be
judged: and with what measure you mete, it
shall be measured to you again”
, Mt 7:2More
Holy Rope and Holy Cannoli, it is you that have set the
measure. Sobeit. Your words will be your testimony.

“For with what judgment you judge, you shall be
judged: and with what measure you mete, it
shall be measured to you again”
, Mt 7:2
holyrope 3
HC...He hasn't read what Our Lord told St. Catherine of Sienna about the perversion of homosexuals either... Some people are just looking to argue...and of course if their homosexual, he'll say anything to defend such perversion. (as if he could)
Holy Cannoli
Jesus said nothing about infanticide but that doesn't mean that abortion is not intrinsically evil as are homosexual perversions. Catholics ought to know this but some individuals (at least some posers who claim to be Catholic) obviously do not.
The Catholic Church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage and, in October, a leading Vatican official …More
Jesus said nothing about infanticide but that doesn't mean that abortion is not intrinsically evil as are homosexual perversions. Catholics ought to know this but some individuals (at least some posers who claim to be Catholic) obviously do not.

The Catholic Church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage and, in October, a leading Vatican official called homosexuality "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound."

The pope (
B-16) said humanity needed to "listen to the language of creation" to understand the intended roles of man and woman. He compared behavior beyond traditional heterosexual relations as "a destruction of God's work."

He also defended the Church's right to "speak of human nature as man and woman, and ask that this order of creation be respected."
Jesus denounced one group - and it wasn't the gays!
holyrope 3
Thank you Luchinka...
"Shot and strung up" would be redundant, but "over-killing" is not without precedent. Many of the English Catholic martyrs endured the dreadful and revolting torture of being "hanged, drawn and quartered." Fr. Finnegan refers to a classic book by Adrian Fortescue, "The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described." But Fortescue is silent on the question of what to wear to a hanging.
holyrope 3
"To be "Proud" of sexual deviancy is pathological, indicating deep seated psychological disease and is equivalent to being "Proud" of cancer, heart disease, diabetes,..etc"
True, but people do not 'choose' to have cancer, heart disease...
"To be "Proud" of sexual deviancy is pathological, indicating deep seated psychological disease and is equivalent to being "Proud" of cancer, heart disease, diabetes,..etc"

True, but people do not 'choose' to have cancer, heart disease...
Holy Cannoli
There is nothing to be "proud" of in the sense that it has been defined for 1000s of years.
One definition of pride in the first sense comes from St. Augustine: "the love of one's own excellence". In this sense, the opposite of pride is either humility or guilt; the latter in particular being a sense of one's own failure in contrast to Augustine's notion of excellence.
The word is used by …More

There is nothing to be "proud" of in the sense that it has been defined for 1000s of years.

One definition of pride in the first sense comes from St. Augustine: "the love of one's own excellence". In this sense, the opposite of pride is either humility or guilt; the latter in particular being a sense of one's own failure in contrast to Augustine's notion of excellence.

The word is used by the Sodomites incorrectly and is yet another example of this group of deviates trying to appropriate terms that traditionally have a positive connotation. The same can be said about the word "gay" to describe themselves when in fact their behavior is not "gay" at all. What they do is nothing more than sexual deviancy.

To be "Proud" of sexual deviancy is pathological indicating deep seated psychological disease and is equivalent to being "Proud" of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
holyrope 3
Gay pride month...what's to be proud about living an unnatural and perverted lifestyle...and worse pushing it onto young children to pervert their minds.
Homosexuals despise the Bible! They cannot and will not except God's truth. 🙏More
Gay pride month...what's to be proud about living an unnatural and perverted lifestyle...and worse pushing it onto young children to pervert their minds.

Homosexuals despise the Bible! They cannot and will not except God's truth. 🙏
Holy Cannoli
Gays have taken an other wise abominable and disgraceful act and want to make it something to be proud of. In addition Gays have been harrasing Christians , Descerating Chrurches and other religious spots because of the failure of proposition 8 and Gay marriage they have escalated violence and hatred towads Christians and those not supporting their life style and sexual preference.
This is only a …More
Gays have taken an other wise abominable and disgraceful act and want to make it something to be proud of. In addition Gays have been harrasing Christians , Descerating Chrurches and other religious spots because of the failure of proposition 8 and Gay marriage they have escalated violence and hatred towads Christians and those not supporting their life style and sexual preference.

This is only a prayer vigil and it has been under fire for speading hate and intolerance which it does not it does however show the violence and bigotry now occuring to non gays.

Holy Cannoli
Gay students desecrate a university chapel in Madrid
Gay students desecrate a university chapel in Madrid

One more comment from Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
From time to time I announce publicly that I am a heterosexual but it doesn't seem to stop certain types from wanting me for their "unholy and unnatural" activities.
G----ry seems to have gotten the message but ya never know.

From time to time I announce publicly that I am a heterosexual but it doesn't seem to stop certain types from wanting me for their "unholy and unnatural" activities.

G----ry seems to have gotten the message but ya never know.

holyrope 3
Better watch Cannoli...your picture could be very enticing! 🚬