
Double Standard: What If Biden, The Accused, Were a Priest? - By Bill Donohue, Catholic League

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an accusation facing Joe Biden: If Joe Biden were a priest, he would have been removed from ministry pending a more thorough investigation. Instead,…More
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an accusation facing Joe Biden:
If Joe Biden were a priest, he would have been removed from ministry pending a more thorough investigation. Instead, he is holed up in his basement talking to the media. Until May 1, no one from the media asked him one question about sexually assaulting Tara Reade.
On April 29, the Free Beacon reported that in 19 interviews he granted over a 5-week period, he fielded 142 questions, but not one was about Reade.
In fact, when Biden was interviewed on April 28, even though he teed it up for reporters by discussing domestic violence and challenges that women face, none asked him about his accuser. That changed when Biden was questioned by Mika Brzezinski on the MSNBC show, “Morning Joe.”
Five people have corroborated at least some parts of Reade’s account. She says Biden, then a senator, digitally penetrated her against her will in 1993.
She says she reported the assault to three of his staffers. She also …More
The left always has a double-standard. Biden is an incoherent "mush mouth" even worse than G.W. Bush. Yet never a murmur of mainstream mockery about it.