Francis Wants to Preserve Traditional Clothes, Traditional Songs. Francis Wants to Preserve Traditional Clothes, Traditional Songs On his September 25 return flight from the Baltic republics, Francis …More
Francis Wants to Preserve Traditional Clothes, Traditional Songs.
Francis Wants to Preserve Traditional Clothes, Traditional Songs
On his September 25 return flight from the Baltic republics, Francis said that the Lituanians in Argentina are eager to preserve their culture and history. Quote, “In their feasts there are traditional clothes, traditional songs.” And, “I think the struggle to keep their identity makes them very strong, and they have a strong identity.” He said that the return to the roots is very important. He added, “The identity must be transmitted”. Gloria.tv believes that the Church has to heed this advice, including traditional clothes and traditional songs.
Pope Francis Sides With Viktor Orbán
Francis also said that the Baltic states are open to immigration and that there is little “populism”. He pointed out, however, that these countries don’t want to integrate immigrants “in masses” because – quote – “this is impossible”. They accept immigrants – quote - “in the …More
Don Reto Nay
@Holy Cannoli : We actually do wear togas at mass.
Holy Cannoli
Gloria.tv believes that we should not blame Erdogan for this but the Western regime politicians who would never do a similar thing in favor of the Church.
Why blame Erdogan? He is simply doing what he thinks is politically expedient for him to do. He's a Muslim. Who blames Erdogan for attempting to invigorate and appease the 5 million Muzzies who reside in Germany? Where is the relationship with …More
Gloria.tv believes that we should not blame Erdogan for this but the Western regime politicians who would never do a similar thing in favor of the Church.

Why blame Erdogan? He is simply doing what he thinks is politically expedient for him to do. He's a Muslim. Who blames Erdogan for attempting to invigorate and appease the 5 million Muzzies who reside in Germany? Where is the relationship with what Erdogan did and what is done or not done in the West? 😲

Shouldn’t Gloria.tv be more concerned with what happens or does not happen in the Catholic Church and, for example, the failure of the Catholic Church to Consecrate Russia in the form that Our Lady of Fatima wanted?


Your thoughts?
I blame both politicians and moslems. They are both wrong.
Thoma shares this

Holy Cannoli
Gloria.tv believes that the Church has to heed this advice, including traditional clothes and traditional songs.
I don’t have to remind Gloria.tv that over time fashions change. For example beachwear that looked good 60 years ago (the man is measuring for modesty) would clearly NOT be appropriate today.
And what about men? Should men go back to the Roman days and wear
togas to mass, to work and …More
Gloria.tv believes that the Church has to heed this advice, including traditional clothes and traditional songs.

I don’t have to remind Gloria.tv that over time fashions change. For example beachwear that looked good 60 years ago (the man is measuring for modesty) would clearly NOT be appropriate today.

And what about men? Should men go back to the Roman days and wear
togas to mass, to work and elsewhere. At that time togas were “traditional. “ Obviously business suits, pressed trousers, ironed shirts and ties were never even heard of back then.

Who gets to say what is traditional and what is not? Who decides? How far back do we need to go? Did the apostles wear suits and ties and vestments when they said mass?

I think I have an even better idea that would demonstrate ones self-control, self-discipline, the adherence to biblical principles and would be in fashion no matter what year or in what country. The long dresses that our prelates currently wear may actually be worn by them in order to hide their overstuffed plump bodies to say nothing of the decadence that does not appear in their outward appearance. The amazing thing is how in the world can these obese prelates have any credibility at all when they openly defy a clear biblical teaching: Whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things.