Cardinal Burke Denounces Biden's Sacrilegious Reception of Holy Communion

Cardinal Burke Denounces Biden’s Sacrilegious Reception of Holy Communion

Fradd asked Cardinal Burke about his thoughts on the Sacrament. Burke shared, “There has to be a deepening of faith, and that’s …
What about Ted Kennedy ? This been going on for decades St JP II never clamped down
🤫 🤥 😬
Father Karl A Claver
The femi=bishops are responsible for the grave scandal this has caused. When many Catholics see this, they logically conclude that if Biden can receive Holy Communion even though he basically is a notorious sinner, and holds heretical views, then they too can be a cafeteria Catholic and receive Our Lord unworthily. Diabolical disorientation as Sister Lucia said.
Excellent point Father! It's like children who watch an obstreperous sibling be given a free pass by their parents. Then, they think, hey, I can get away with this also, no problem.
Naomi Arai
I don’t know quite what to think of +Burke. It took this long for him to say something? Why?
charles rodriguez
Curious that Cardinal Burke is so silent when it comes to the heresies and nonesense coming from Vigano. It takes courage to call Vigano out publicly.
Biden will say to Cardinal Burke that the Pope told him he was in good standing.