
Knoxville Bishop Wants To Abolish Celibacy

Knoxville Bishop Richard Stika, 62, USA, wants to abolish celibacy. He wrote on Twitter (July 5), about ordaining married men in the Amazon, “Since the Church already has married priests in the world …More
Knoxville Bishop Richard Stika, 62, USA, wants to abolish celibacy.
He wrote on Twitter (July 5), about ordaining married men in the Amazon, “Since the Church already has married priests in the world, I see no reason not to.”
Stika added that “denying" the Eucharist "because of Church discipline to a remote area is wrong" - [as if the Church had ever "denied" the Eucharist for that reason].
The same day, Stika asked on Twitter the question “which is more important, a celibate clergy that is not able to visit remote areas more than once a year or ordaining married elders of the tribe who could celebrate Mass.” He does not explain what the lofty term "married elders" could possibly mean, but a priesthood-light somewhere in the bushes.
Stika is considered a “conservative.” In autumn, he ordered his priests to restore St Michael’s prayer after Mass.
In January he claimed that, if New York Governor Cuomo lived in his jurisdiction he would [allegedly] take action against him due to his support …More
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Here is another result ("transparency from the bishops)
Voilà une girouette toute folle !
He is distressed
De Profundis
He is getting a little sick of the smell of sheep
Dr Bobus
The irony is that one reason for VatII was it was thought that priests were becoming little else than dispensers of Sacraments, that they needed to be better educated in order to deal with better educated (or trained) laity. And the Sacerdos Simplex was eliminated.
Now it seems the Amazon synod wants to create poorly educated-trained priests to dispense the Sacraments.
Beam me up, Scotty. There's …More
The irony is that one reason for VatII was it was thought that priests were becoming little else than dispensers of Sacraments, that they needed to be better educated in order to deal with better educated (or trained) laity. And the Sacerdos Simplex was eliminated.

Now it seems the Amazon synod wants to create poorly educated-trained priests to dispense the Sacraments.

Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here.