Sally Dorman
And just like that, Jacinda Ardern resigns! The tyrant of New Zealand can barely hold back the tears. What’s happened here?
She was going to lose the coming election anyway. She's probably been offered a plum job elsewhere where she can tyranize more of the world. W.H.O? W.E.F? BlackRock?
Laura Yunque
She's of no use to the elites now.....or she is running scared as more information is coming out about the jab.
St. Michael ora pro nobis
Makes my day seeing this witch cry 🤗 🤗 🤗
English Catholic
@Sally Dorman @De Profundis @Live Mike Whatever her reasons for going, I expect the World Economic Forum will have her replacement already lined up. After all, she was a WEF 'Young Global Leader':✓&q=jacinda and From Entrepreneurs to Scientists: Meet the 2022 Class of Young Global Leaders But perhaps all isn't going smoothly in the WEF camp? LifeSite News …More
@Sally Dorman @De Profundis @Live Mike Whatever her reasons for going, I expect the World Economic Forum will have her replacement already lined up. After all, she was a WEF 'Young Global Leader':✓&q=jacinda and From Entrepreneurs to Scientists: Meet the 2022 Class of Young Global Leaders But perhaps all isn't going smoothly in the WEF camp? LifeSite News reports this:- Elon Musk says WEF is becoming an 'unelected world government' pushing a 'Satanic' agenda - LifeSite and The Remnant recently sent out this in an email:
"The World Economic Forum seems to be losing its stranglehold, as an increasingly unhinged Klaus Schwab becomes more of a political liability than an asset.

Exhibit A) George Soros canceled his appearance at this week’s WEF in Davos, claiming he had a scheduling conflict. (Yeah, right!)

Exhibit B) The World Economic Forum’s website just posted an article that put distance between the WEF and Yuval Noah Harari – the nutjob who said Jesus is “fake news”. According to the WEF, Harari’s position on Jesus is his and his alone, and he is not an advisor to Schwab. (See ya, Yuval!)

Exhibit C) The WEF’s spiritual guru, Pope Francis, is fast becoming the most unpopular pope in history, as even his own turn against him. For example: After he died suddenly last week, it was revealed that Cardinal George Pell circulated a devastating memorandum inside the Vatican last year, calling the Francis pontificate a “catastrophe.” And after Francis helped Bill Gates vaccinate the planet, others are calling for the Globalist pontiff to either keep his popemobile in its lane, or step down. (Accompany THAT, Holiness!)

The war is not over, obviously, since we’re now dealing with several wounded bears. But the bears are on the ropes, and it’s time to strike back hard against a reeling Globalist empire."
De Profundis
Why might Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, suddenly resign? Do you believe her statement, that she’s burned out, “no longer had enough in the tank” to do the job?
Live Mike
Hmm... I wonder why she's had her wings clipped. After having accomplished all that "they" wanted, were the winds of rebellion in the air? Disaffected New Zealanders turn against Jacinda Ardern
Has she's become the lightning rod for unhappy Kiwis? So, they simply replace her with the next marionette, who'll continue the UN's Evil 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, where she left off.
J G Tasan
Yeah; including that ridiculous fart tax! 🥴