
Outside Cathedral: Rosary to Soften Hardened Cardinal

A huge February 7 rosary rally of 200 faithful took place on the tiny sidewalk in front of Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral, despite a freezing cold (-7°C) and a chilly wind. The prayer was in support of …More
A huge February 7 rosary rally of 200 faithful took place on the tiny sidewalk in front of Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral, despite a freezing cold (-7°C) and a chilly wind.
The prayer was in support of the Roman Mass which the legalistic Chicago Cardinal Cupich has "forbidden." It was attended by many young families.
"Tridentine Brewing" commented on Twitter.com that no one at that Rosary Rally was under any illusion that it would take "anything less than a miracle” to soften Cupich’s hardened heart.
Jan Joseph
Beminde gelovigen, wat een geweldig idee. Probeer u mooie Tridentijnse Katholieke geloof te behouden, desnoods buiten de Organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk.
Jan Joseph
Voor u is de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk belangrijker dan de de inhoud van het geloof. Het Universele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie is een totaal ander geloof dan het Protestantse Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie geloof van paus Franciscus dat iedere dag vrijzinniger wordt.
I'd say the biggest crisis is the New World Order and the plan for the one world religion featuring the anti-Christ, but what do I know?
Priest vocations are down everywhere except TLM communities. Vatican response: Ban the TLM.
Kaye Beth Stover
More reason to believe that their one goal is to destroy the Church
De Profundis
“The biggest crisis facing the Church today…is clericalism.” — Pope Francis
Jeffrey Ade
And yet, that is exactly what Francis is a "clericalist!"
The Cardinal might not respond but Heaven will.
De Profundis
There’s only 1 actual marginalized group out there. Traditional Catholics.
Jeffrey Ade
It is just my opinion but when evil attacks the good, every one who is in the transition toward the good are also attacked! So anyone trying to do the right thing in this confusion are then suppressed!