
Egyptian Pope Distances Himself From Francis’ "Abrahamic Religion"

The [Francis’] idea of an Abrahamic Religion comprising Judaism, Christianity and Islam indiscriminately is “categorically unacceptable,” Coptic Pope Tawadros II told the Egyptian state TV (January 7). …More
The [Francis’] idea of an Abrahamic Religion comprising Judaism, Christianity and Islam indiscriminately is “categorically unacceptable,” Coptic Pope Tawadros II told the Egyptian state TV (January 7).
The concept of "Abrahamic Religion" denies the three monotheistic religions, Tawadros explains. For him, this is a "political idea" used to blur the differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Religions are “like colours, cannot be changed or replaced by innovation or adding false information to the constants of a given religion,” Tawadros explained.
He further declared that the priesthood is reserved for men only, according to Christ's will who chose his apostles from among men, and that not even Our Lady "wanted to be a priestess."
Picture: Tawadros II of Alexandria, 2019 © OSCE, CC BY-SA, #newsSxsfgdkfdz
Francis: God's punishment on lukewarm Catholics
..and why are devout Catholics being punished? Please don't blame God for the likes of Francis.
Claudius Cartapus
Prophecies of Anne-Catherine Emmerich on the False Church of the End Times.
“I saw how disastrous the consequences of this False Church would be. I saw it increase, I saw heretics of all conditions coming into the city (Rome). I saw the lukewarmness of the local clergy grow, I saw a great darkening taking place. Then the vision widens on all sides. Everywhere I saw Catholic communities oppressed,…More
Prophecies of Anne-Catherine Emmerich on the False Church of the End Times.

“I saw how disastrous the consequences of this False Church would be. I saw it increase, I saw heretics of all conditions coming into the city (Rome). I saw the lukewarmness of the local clergy grow, I saw a great darkening taking place. Then the vision widens on all sides. Everywhere I saw Catholic communities oppressed, vexed, constricted and deprived of freedom. I saw many closed churches. I saw great miseries happening everywhere. I saw wars and bloodshed. I saw the fierce, ignorant people intervene with violence, but this state of affairs did not last long. Again I saw in a vision of the church of St. Peter mined according to a plan devised by the secret sect while at the same time it was damaged by storms; but she was delivered at the time of the greatest distress. I still saw how, at the end, Mary spread her mantle over the church and how the enemies of God were driven out.

I saw deplorable things: we played, we drank, we chatted, we courted women in the church, in a word, we committed all sorts of abominations there. The priests let everything go and said mass with great irreverence. I saw few who still had piety and judged things soundly. I saw that many pastors fell for his dangerous ideas for the Church. They were building a big, strange, extravagant church. Everyone had to enter it to unite and possess the same rights; Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of all kinds. Such was to be the new Church. ...

(Translation from french)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I don't remember if the good and decent Pope, Benedict XVI, elevated this holy Augustinian nun to the status of "Blessed". For years she was only "Venerable" because no one wanted to believe her disasterous visions for the Church. But it is all true...since VAtican II, and especially since the reign of the despot and heretic Francis and his associates. But I believe his time is down to months, not …More
I don't remember if the good and decent Pope, Benedict XVI, elevated this holy Augustinian nun to the status of "Blessed". For years she was only "Venerable" because no one wanted to believe her disasterous visions for the Church. But it is all true...since VAtican II, and especially since the reign of the despot and heretic Francis and his associates. But I believe his time is down to months, not years.
Claudius Cartapus
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori She was beatified by John Paul II in 2004. Wikipedia - Anne Catherine Emmerich
John A Cassani
Doesn’t he ordain women as “deacons?” And, don’t forget, he’s a Monophysite, and thus, not even truly “Orthodox.”
"Distances himself"? More like "totally rejects", don't cha think, based on his statement. The headline should be more accurate in description, less PC...
Pax Christi
Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity in Africa. (From an interview of Al Jazeera with an Islamic scholar)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, some convert to Catholicism, some in Egypt convert to Coptic Orthodox( at great risk to their lives), others, unfortunatly, convert to fundamentalist Protestantism ( shouting, screaming, speaking in tongues sideshow.)
가입을 원합니다
In Iran, more and more Muslims are leaving their mosques and converting to Christ.
L’impressionante boom del cristianesimo in Iran - Etnie (rivistaetnie.com)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Unfortunatly, they might be converting to false "christian" sects (Bible Christians). Also, many Iranians are converting back to Zoroastrianism, which was the religion of Iran when it was known as Persia, and had a huge empire that stretched almost to India, and did encompass what today is Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the Sinai, Egypt, Libya, Afganistan. Alexander the Great conquered the …More
Unfortunatly, they might be converting to false "christian" sects (Bible Christians). Also, many Iranians are converting back to Zoroastrianism, which was the religion of Iran when it was known as Persia, and had a huge empire that stretched almost to India, and did encompass what today is Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the Sinai, Egypt, Libya, Afganistan. Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, but Zoroastrianism remained the religion of Persia and it's territories (except Egypt and Israel), until the 7th-8th centuries, when Islam conquered the area. Today, Zoroastrians total world wide about 250,000 (down from about 20 million before Islam), but they are experiencing a revival in Iraq (where 150,000+ Kurds have converted), and in Iran.
Another religion which was strong in Persia before Islam would be a surprise to many.....Buddhism, which got as far as parts of the Middle East in the 4th 5th and 6th centuries before Islam exterminated it. But today, some Iranians are even converting to Buddhism.
It's "categorically unacceptable" for schismatics to lecture The Holy Father about this they're routinely kissing up to Islam themselves.
Louis IX
In their case it may be a “please don’t kill us” kind of peck on the cheek.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"It's "categorically unacceptable" for schismatics to lecture The Holy Father about this they're routinely kissing up to Islam themselves."
You have to understand the political enviorment that the Holy Father Pope Tawadros lives in. Egypt is about 75% Muslim, 20% Coptic Orthodox Christian, and 5% secular/no religious affiliation. Catholics are so few in Egypt, and Francis is such a heretic, that …More
"It's "categorically unacceptable" for schismatics to lecture The Holy Father about this they're routinely kissing up to Islam themselves."

You have to understand the political enviorment that the Holy Father Pope Tawadros lives in. Egypt is about 75% Muslim, 20% Coptic Orthodox Christian, and 5% secular/no religious affiliation. Catholics are so few in Egypt, and Francis is such a heretic, that it's laughable to call the Copts "schismatic". Pope Tawadros is 100% what he said, comparing religions to colors. They can't be changed. If you do, they are no longer the same color. That was a good analogy.
Copts are constantly persecuted in Egypt. Before Islam, Egypt was 100% Orthodox. Today it's 20%, and the majority Muslims don't like to admit that there are that many. Copts are discriminated against in housing, in building new monasteries or convents, or churches. Several have been bombed by Islamic extremists.
They have to "kiss up" to Islam if they want to flourish and survive, Otherwise they would be slaughtered, and the Islamists would do it too, no question.
I admire Pope Tawardos for speaking the truth about religion, and stating that the priesthood is only for men. Mostly all Orthodox bishops, patriarchs, and even priests, have kept their traditions and allowed for no "Vatican II" type innovations. I think the most hard line of the Orthodox are the Russian Orthodox.
You don't see Greek,Russian, Romanian, Ethiopian or Egyptian Orthodox etc. ad libbing their liturgies, discarding their traditions and replacing them with garbage, unlike the Catholics how have done all of that, and are suffering from it, and from a "pope" like Francis.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I understand that perfectly. I also understand Christians didn't compromise their faith while living in pagan Rome, even to the point of being routinely martyred.
Can we have the Coptic pope as our pope too? What terrible times we live in! Our Lady of Sorrows intercede for us.
Be careful what you wish for.... "our regions arose with the existence of Christianity, Islam and Judaism" - Coptic Pope Tawadros II (direct quote)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I agree with gildaswiseman. Junk Francis and his version of the Church, it's worthless garbage.