
Indoctrination: "Francis Treats Cardinals Like Freshmen" - Müller

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, 74, criticised (IlMessaggero.it, September 1) the Vatican’s silence on Cardinal Zen, 90, “Next month there will be an unfair trial. No one has raised the very serious matter of our Brother Zen."

Zen could not attend the August consistory because his passport was confiscated in view of his September trial.

Müller hopes that Zen [whom the Vatican has abandoned] will not be abandoned. The consistory would have been an opportunity to show solidarity with him but “nothing” happened. Müller believes that the Holy See keeps quiet to please Beijing.

On the Curia Reform, Müller said “ironically and with a hint of bitterness” that the cardinals were confronted with a Constitution already in force and unchangeable,

"It is as if we were treated like freshmen, as if we had to be indoctrinated."

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsLjcfrhipjn

Fight the infiltrators of the church ,denounce them ,tell catholics who they are
What a shocking human being Jorge is.
Dr Bobus
He's not shocking. His behavior is typical of what happened in the 1970s when lefties took over the seminaties and religious orders.
Those Catholics who rightly rejected leftist ideology were ostracized. There were priests and sisters who were pushed out in favor of homosexuals and non believers.More
He's not shocking. His behavior is typical of what happened in the 1970s when lefties took over the seminaties and religious orders.

Those Catholics who rightly rejected leftist ideology were ostracized. There were priests and sisters who were pushed out in favor of homosexuals and non believers.
De Profundis
Treated like Freshmen
John Fritz Logan
Does anyone else think it is possible that resentment is quietly building amongst the cardinals and that with the exception of new ideologues like McElroy en Steiner, the new cardinals from far off places, and will cause a backlash that will make them unlikely to vote fo Tagle, who is far too close to the Jesuits and Francis?
Dr Bobus
Just because the media loves Tagle doesn't mean that he'll be a serious candidate in the next conclave
John Fritz Logan
Who do you think are serious candidates? Parolin is too damaged, Hollerich too radical, Zuppi's clandestine gay blessing and lying about it likely damaged him, Grech did us a favour by criticising the correct of the German synodal path saying he didn't see the problem. Steiner has been too outspoken, people like Cupich, Marx and McElroy are too radical.
Tagle does seem like the most plaussible …More
Who do you think are serious candidates? Parolin is too damaged, Hollerich too radical, Zuppi's clandestine gay blessing and lying about it likely damaged him, Grech did us a favour by criticising the correct of the German synodal path saying he didn't see the problem. Steiner has been too outspoken, people like Cupich, Marx and McElroy are too radical.

Tagle does seem like the most plaussible progressive dandidate, with the appeal of the first Asian pope (and an increase in Asian cardinals) and curia experience.

Let's hope he enters the conclave a pope and leaves a cardinal.

I really hope Cardinal Ranjith can take many Asian cardinal electors from him.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan Eminence Cardinal Muller had very great opinion...he effort protect to Eminence Cardinal Zen...so great...Beroglio and Parloin ignore to Cardinal Zen...Vatican's Foreign secertary Archbishop Ghallager same too..so funny situation..but Cardinal Muller say that..so brave action....I am not sure..I think..if,if Cardinal Muller will elected Pope...I think he will totally,totally better …More
@John Fritz Logan Eminence Cardinal Muller had very great opinion...he effort protect to Eminence Cardinal Zen...so great...Beroglio and Parloin ignore to Cardinal Zen...Vatican's Foreign secertary Archbishop Ghallager same too..so funny situation..but Cardinal Muller say that..so brave action....I am not sure..I think..if,if Cardinal Muller will elected Pope...I think he will totally,totally better than Bergoglio...but he is almost 75 years old..hmm....if,if Lord will choose to Eminence Cardinal Muller...I will very happy...Muller is very nice man too....and one more ell....Beroglio is a not Pope,no Christ's Vicar...just looks like crazy,radical Leftist Political Man....Dictator!!!! so I am not sure..maybe we will meet to Orthodox Pope...Bergoglio make so many wrong man to Cardinals....this old man appointed to some good Cardinals...but not many..so we will have very hard situation...I am very worry about we will see Another Beroglio II....I told you....Orthodox Catholic,Christian People are must,must saying about Wrong Cardinals can't participate to Conclave!!! if,if Cardinals agree with LGBT Ideologies,Indiscriminate Abortion....this members are can't..can't participate to Conclave!!! like Cupich,Tobin,McElory,Marx,Tagle,Hollerich...if,if this wrong groups can't participate to Conclave..get to Orthodox Pope much easy..I am sure...really hope it..Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest,Hungary)will be great Pope too....just really hope anybody ok..just Orthodox Pope...we will get fast time...I much pray to the Lord..many talking sorry..take care^^ Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus aboudantley blessed always you and all your family,lovely people..Holy Mary,all Angels and Saints..Pray for us..Amen...take care..many talking sorry...