
Homosex Jesuits Celebrated Also Pachamama Day

The Jesuit provinces of Latin America and the Caribbean celebrated on August 1 a “Pachamama Day.”

The pictured advertisement for the event reads, “In gratitude to her, let us care for our common home.”

However, among Jesuits, homosexuality is an even bigger problem than paganism. The former homosexual Joseph Sciambra posts regularly homosexual scandals in which Jesuits are involved.

Most recently, on October 11, the Jesuit parish St Ignatius in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts celebrated a “Happy Coming Out Day to LGBTQ+Catholics!"


Gesù è con noi
This post has nothing to do with Judge Amy Barrett @Baptist John. Your copy-pasta capaign isn't justified by an obviously self-serving two sentence seque ... pic related
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Child of Our Lady
It's a Holy Day of Obligation to pray the Holy Rosary in reparation for idolatry.
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