Uncle Joe

Cognitive Assessment for the Hierarchy?

On January 10, 2018 a physical and cognitive examination was given to President Donald Trump. The results were presented in an hour long Q & A session with the loons in the American press corps yesterday, January 16, 2018. I am including the cognitive assessment portion of the test here.

Although physical exams are undoubtedly given to the hierarchy in the Catholic Church, we never hear about the results of those tests especially in such an open and transparent forum as was President Trump's results.

Without offering my own personal opinion or speculation, what do YOU think would be the results if bishops, cardinal electors and, indeed, the Pope were to take a cognitive test.

Incidentally, President Trump got all 30 out of 30 correct.
Uncle Joe
A small twist to the cognitive testing..Every priest in every parish would have their own section of the parish website where each priest would list his CV, IQ, grade point average in school, years in ministry etc. In addition, those pages would include testimonials from laity who attended that parish and would give their own impressions of each particular priest. If one priest is a shining star, …More
A small twist to the cognitive testing..Every priest in every parish would have their own section of the parish website where each priest would list his CV, IQ, grade point average in school, years in ministry etc. In addition, those pages would include testimonials from laity who attended that parish and would give their own impressions of each particular priest. If one priest is a shining star, that should be noted. If another priest is not what one would call the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, that too should be indicated. 👌

Are the priest's sermons 10 minutes or less? Are those sermons interesting or will he put you to sleep? Is he active in parish functions or not? Have his sermons touched upon the crucial issues of the times such as but not limited to artificial birth control, abortion, homosexuality and so on? 👌

In larger parishes, each priest would list the times of the masses that he will be offering on the following Sunday or holiday. In that way the laity could choose to go to the priest that they wanted. 👌

Although their would obviously be some resistance, the same format would be followed for bishops and cardinals. 👌 👌 👌

Just a dream with small chance of it being realized. 👏
@Uncle Joe , not having English as mother tongue may result is much poorer values either for Catholic hierarchy members or myself - eg. I am not aware of the Hungarian version of this test that could help...
Your last question is more than a theoretic one, furthermore who am I decide in this matter?
Don Reto Nay
Since most of the bishops are not able to think with their own brains but the journalists are thinking for them, you should leave the bishops in peace and give a cognitive examination on the fake-news journalists.
something he always wanted to be
Uncle Joe
Does the thought that some of the Catholic hierarchy may be suffering from cognitive impairment concern you? Is it not possible that unexplainable non traditional pronouncements of Catholic hierarchy may be the result of a mental issue such as dementia rather than a radical jump toward heresy?
Given the damage they are currently doing, how they have diminished the reputation of the Church …More
Does the thought that some of the Catholic hierarchy may be suffering from cognitive impairment concern you? Is it not possible that unexplainable non traditional pronouncements of Catholic hierarchy may be the result of a mental issue such as dementia rather than a radical jump toward heresy?

Given the damage they are currently doing, how they have diminished the reputation of the Church, and the scandal that they are causing, would you like for these men to submit to a cognitive assessment evaluation?

If not, why not?
Depends, who is giving the test....Luther, or Blessed Pope Pius IX
Uncle Joe