
Francis’ Advertised Theologian Calls for a "Female Pope"

The radical German Benedictine Anselm Grün whom Pope Francis recommended on February 15 to the Roman priests, believes that there could be a "female pope".

Talking to the German daily Augsburger Allgemeine (March 31), Grün believes, that there could be female priests, bishops or even a popess.

Grün proposes as a “first step” to “ordain” diaconettes.

Obviously Grün also wants to abolish celibacy [and at the end, the Church altogether].

Picture: Anselm Grün, © Christlichen Medienmagazin, CC BY-SA, #newsCbnufcjpuh
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
what else one can expect from a pro sodomite apostate 🤦
Bergoglio promueve al herético Monje Pro-sodomita Anselm Grün