
Was Pope Francis Reprimanded By Cardinals?

Antonio Socci writes on his blog that Pope Francis was reprimanded for his hell heresies by a senior cardinal of non-Italian origin who contacted other cardinals and confronted Francis also in their name.

Socci points out that uttering heresies is one of the four reasons causing a pope to lose his office.

After the reprimand, Francis consulted with his follower, Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, the Substitute of the Secretariat of State.

This produced an ambiguous declaration of the Vatican that was not ambiguous enough, so that, instead of dispelling Francis’ heresy, it confirmed it.

Picture: © Mazur, catholicchurch.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNopulvkqcp
The Cardinals they are on their right to reprimand the Pope ,when he says things that are contradictory to the Truth of gospel ,and this is becoming a patern
Sorry, but I don't believe this turd dressed in white is the Pope. See: www.jesus-eucharistie.org/en/serm/hasta.htm
Does Pope Francis never think about the emotional burden he is placing on Catholics with his endless confusing hints and slippery speculation from the Chair of Peter?
The 64 million dollar questions petrus! WHAT NOW???
How does Antonio Socci knows this? Who is (are) this (these) cardinal(s)? And are they satisfied with the declaration of the Vatican? Will there be any response to the heresy and the confusion pope Francis is spreading this time?