Is World War III and the annihilation of nations around the corner?
Big big problem touch stone of communism REMAINS sacred!
Vladimir Lenin's Corpse
The Upkeep on Vladimir Lenin's CorpseMore
Big big problem touch stone of communism REMAINS sacred!

Vladimir Lenin's Corpse
The Upkeep on Vladimir Lenin's Corpse
Nope. You heard it here first. Russia takes the Ukraine looks at NATO "Now whut? Bring it!" Murrica/ NATO: "uhhh...."
Angelo Clareno
I didn't hear this first from you, MK @Ultraviolet . And, time will tell if you are wrong.
Yes, actually you did. The joke is original and I personally created this meme right now. Will you wager a bet against your account on which of us is right? ;-)
Angelo Clareno
Sure, just tell me what diocese you work for so I can collect
Is that a formal yes? @Angelo Clareno Yes, you bet your account you didn't hear this first from me? Yes or no question. This has nothing to do with any diocese but your continued existence on GTV. ;-)
Any catholic that wants to be well informed around the evil that is going around the world watch this video
Martine Bernadette Giambertone
who cares really, this way we can be with God, and get out of the Hell, these politicians have dug for us!
Jeffrey Ade
Some of us were born to fight for the glory of Holy Mother the Church! This is our "St. Elmo moment!"
Martine Bernadette Giambertone
ok, if you say so, is it working??