Shocker: 72% of Catholics Don’t Go to Sunday Mass?

Shocker: 72% of Catholics Don’t Go to Sunday Mass?

Shocker: 72% of Catholics Don’t Go to Sunday Mass? ‘The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. ... Those who …
Billy F
The Baptized Pagans! Pray and fast for them that they return before their time in the mortal world is over!
Opera 369
They call Novus Ordo .. "going to Mass"? (and they don't even ask why no one (in their right FAITH) repudiates it?) Journalists should go back to study 'journalism', the way it was meant to me, a service to society.
Fides Et Ratio
Many families work 2-3 jobs. The Vigil Mass is a true help to them. Those in restaurants, retail, etc… Sorry, I am glad it is available.
Father Karl A Claver
When Sunday Mass obligation was changed to Saturday vigil Mass, this was the nail in the coffin. In the 1960's stores started being open on Sundays, and sport events on Sundays also began. There was no opposition from the Church. Holy days of obligation were also downplayed, so what do you expect. The town where I live had 4 parishes, 3 grammar schools and a Catholic high school. There is now only …More
When Sunday Mass obligation was changed to Saturday vigil Mass, this was the nail in the coffin. In the 1960's stores started being open on Sundays, and sport events on Sundays also began. There was no opposition from the Church. Holy days of obligation were also downplayed, so what do you expect. The town where I live had 4 parishes, 3 grammar schools and a Catholic high school. There is now only one church where Sunday Mass is offered. The Church is entombed.
Tony Smith
Can you blame them. There is nothing in the Post Conciliar religion or liturgy that a rational person can take seriously.
John A Cassani
Where I live it’s more like 98%, if you count all the baptized.
Tom Morelli
👏 👏