
Priorities? Francis CANCELS Central Roman Corpus Christi Celebration

Allegedly due his knee, Francis' Corpus Christi Eucharist and procession with the Eucharistic Blessing will not take place, the Vatican press office has announced.

The past two years the celebration took place in St. Peter's Basilica in a very reduced form under the Covid-19 pretext. Usually, Corpus Christi was celebrated outside the Lateran Basilica for all Roman parishes followed by a procession to Saint Mary Major's.

This year, for the feast St Peter's Archpriest, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, will simply preside a Eucharist at the meal-table of the Chair in Saint Peter's like in any Italian parish. A procession with the Eucharistic Blessing will follow.

Francis is known for disregarding the presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and for not bothering to kneel or genuflect in front of it.


la verdad prevalece
The knee excuse is exposed. The Show Must Continue after the Corpus Christi Mass was cancelled.
De Profundis
"How can we be surprised that a liturgy that has carried so many saints continues to smile at young souls thirsty for God?" - Robert Cardinal Sarah
la verdad prevalece
The knee excuse is belied by the fact that when the announcement of Bergoglio's schedule for the months of June and July was made, which was published on June 3, 2022, he was not scheduled to celebrate the Corpus Christi Mass. However, the program included other masses and other activities such as his trip to Canada, including the trip to the Congo, which was later announced to be canceled due to …More
The knee excuse is belied by the fact that when the announcement of Bergoglio's schedule for the months of June and July was made, which was published on June 3, 2022, he was not scheduled to celebrate the Corpus Christi Mass. However, the program included other masses and other activities such as his trip to Canada, including the trip to the Congo, which was later announced to be canceled due to his knee problem. On June 6, this article was published that said: Pope Francis will not celebrate public Corpus Christi Mass (Vatican Press Office) - Catholic Daily
la verdad prevalece
And don't they say that Pope Benedict XVI allegedly resigned because he no longer had the strength? So what is Bergoglio waiting for?
Tony M
He hasn't quite completed the job yet......well on the way.....but there is more to do towards...... the complete and utter destruction of the Catholic Church!!!!!
Paus Franciscus weet niet eens wat een processie is.
De Profundis
Francis having postponed his trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan, will celebrate Mass with the Congolese Community of Rome in St. Peter’s Basilica on July 3rd.
Paco Rivera
A man cannot serve two masters. Either he will love one and despise the other.
atreverse pensar
Either he despises the sacrament, or he runs away from it.