
Francis Preaches Cheap Absolution

In a February 3 speech to the bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Francis made a mockery of the sacrament of confession.

He urged the bishops to “be merciful” and to “always forgive” [only politically correct sins]. Francis never forgives when someone is a Catholic.

“When a member of the faithful goes to confession, he or she comes to seek forgiveness, to ask for the Father’s caress," he romanticised the faithful and accused the priests, "We, pointing an accusing finger, say: ‘How many times? And how did you do it?’ No, not that."

According to this advice, confessions would become an empty ritual and the priest a machine who produces cheap "absolutions."

Falling prey to his usual confusion, Francis insisted that we must observe Canon Law, "because it is important, BUT the shepherd's heart goes beyond that! Take a risk. Take a risk on the side of forgiveness. Always. Always forgive in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”

Cheap absolutions are not a risk but clerical laziness.


Maudie N Mandeville
I thought that's what the "Peace be with you" handshake was all about; your neighbor absolving you of all your sins and for politicians to hand out campaign buttons? "Peace be with you...fuggitaboutit!! You're absolved!"
from this man dressed in white, after what he has done to the faithful of The Holy Catholic Church.🤐
la verdad prevalece
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
A warning must be put out every time Bergoglio promotes his heretical views that promote sacrilege against the sacraments and openly contradict Catholic doctrine.
Salvatore Bastatti
Better yet, Tony M, take Bergoglio out. That's what they do in Brooklyn New York-- and Tijuana. Catholics who believe they should do nothing about his removal will have to answer to the Divine Judge at their death.
Tony M
Yes @Salvatore Bastatti , an Imperfect Council to prove Bergoglio is not a valid Pope is an absolute matter of urgency. Do those who think we should do nothing, have any concern for the salvation of souls???
Salvatore Bastatti
Bergoglio is not Pope-- read Aquinas and Bellarmine on the facts why.
I personally want to see him six feet under. And I am a canonically ordained Priest. I have written here that many of the clergy remain silent out of economic fear, being thrown out of their rectories without food, etc. Thankfully for me my parents were quite, quite rich and Bergoglio's eructions consequently mean diddly to me.…More
Bergoglio is not Pope-- read Aquinas and Bellarmine on the facts why.

I personally want to see him six feet under. And I am a canonically ordained Priest. I have written here that many of the clergy remain silent out of economic fear, being thrown out of their rectories without food, etc. Thankfully for me my parents were quite, quite rich and Bergoglio's eructions consequently mean diddly to me. The sooner he is dead the better.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Salvatore Bastatti -I agree 100% with your sentiments towards heretic homo lover Pope Francis. Have you ever heard of Brother Alexis Bugnolo? I watched his videos after Benedict XVI died, and I was impressed that he was at that time so anti-Bergoglio that he said he was an anti-Pope and the Cardinals and people of Rome should elect a successor to Benedict XVI. He even tried to organize one, but it …More
@Salvatore Bastatti -I agree 100% with your sentiments towards heretic homo lover Pope Francis. Have you ever heard of Brother Alexis Bugnolo? I watched his videos after Benedict XVI died, and I was impressed that he was at that time so anti-Bergoglio that he said he was an anti-Pope and the Cardinals and people of Rome should elect a successor to Benedict XVI. He even tried to organize one, but it was mostly sabotaged by pressure not to carry thru with it , so the few people who did show up to elect a new successor to Benedict XVI (because they all considered Bergoglio illegit at the time), entered Bugnolo's conclave and promptly elected Bergoglio- acknowledging him as Pope Francis. Now, what had been a great website of Bugnolo who posted tru facts about the evil of Pope Francis, now is 100% the opposite, and Br. Alexis can't stop praising Pope Francis enough, bending over backwards to say how wonderful his speeches in the Congo are.....when every good faithful Catholic knows that the speech he made about Confession, for priests to forgive, forgive and absolve everything is total heresy. I hope no one takes Brother Alexis seriously anymore. He changed in 10 seconds from telling the truth about Bergoglio, to now going into extasy praising him. 😡 🤮
Tony M
Bergoglio is depriving people of God's Mercy by having them think they need not have contrition & sorrow for their sins when they go to the Sacrament of Confession. Thus those in mortal sin, who think that way, remain in their mortal sins. So if they get run over by a bus the next day without repenting.... we all know where they go. Thank you Jorge!!! He is doing the devil's work when he instructs …More
Bergoglio is depriving people of God's Mercy by having them think they need not have contrition & sorrow for their sins when they go to the Sacrament of Confession. Thus those in mortal sin, who think that way, remain in their mortal sins. So if they get run over by a bus the next day without repenting.... we all know where they go. Thank you Jorge!!! He is doing the devil's work when he instructs the clergy & the faithful on confession in this way!!! Let's fight against his godless agenda by praying and doing penance for the conversion of sinners & the salvation of souls every day....as Our Lady of Fatima asked us to do.
Malki Tzedek
While mercy is at the heart of our Faith and Christ's ministry, this characterization of the sacrament subverts it's dynamic essence. Even the Good Thief had the good sense to admit his sins with humility. We are all the more spiritually impoverished by such drivel.
Ivan Tomas
De uberketter berGOGlio valt alle sacramenten aan.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What a heretic. And these worthless Caridnals and Bishops bow and say "Yes, Holy Father, whatever you say, Holy Father". And this guy's got real class too. What other Pope has spoken about Coprophagia, and using the middle finger to "express honesty." Ok, tanking a page out of your book, Francis and following your advice......my middle finger to you, buddy man!!
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori This seems to confirm the stories by those Spaish seminarians, it also Francis rather openly counseling clergy to violate canon law, it clearly goes against the Council of Trent, it's not as ambigious as Francis used to be. Especially tone deaf considering his claim he had no role in absolving Rupnik.
Francis seems to have shot himself in the foot. He seemed to need to end on …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori This seems to confirm the stories by those Spaish seminarians, it also Francis rather openly counseling clergy to violate canon law, it clearly goes against the Council of Trent, it's not as ambigious as Francis used to be. Especially tone deaf considering his claim he had no role in absolving Rupnik.

Francis seems to have shot himself in the foot. He seemed to need to end on a self-deprecating (and possibly (partially) tuthful) joke to defuse the tension.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, it clearly goes against the Council of Trent, and even Vatican II. I'm a product of Vatican II, unfortunatly that's all I've gotten (I'm 28), but even when I was 7, and the three layclothes Sisters of Mercy were preparing us 2nd graders for our "First Penance", we were told that the purpose was to state our sins, and how we are sorry and will not sin again.....and then we …More
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, it clearly goes against the Council of Trent, and even Vatican II. I'm a product of Vatican II, unfortunatly that's all I've gotten (I'm 28), but even when I was 7, and the three layclothes Sisters of Mercy were preparing us 2nd graders for our "First Penance", we were told that the purpose was to state our sins, and how we are sorry and will not sin again.....and then we would recieve the Grace of absolution. This guy Francis teaches the opposite. According to Francis, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, sex perverts, homos, pedophiles, mass murderers, rapists, could walk into the Confessional, not be sorry for anything, get absolved and come out to sin all over again. AND NO ONE COUNTERS HIM.
I'm beginning to believe that the Catholic Church has become a worthless cult of the Papacy....whatever he says/wants is done without objection. Paul VI destroys the Mass and we all respond, "Yes Holy Father !!!, We love you Holy Father!!!", Pope Francis wants to destroy all Catholic tradition and the Latin Mass, and says serious heresy every day and they all clap and applaud "Yes Holy Father, We love you, Holy Father Francis!!!".
That's not Catholicism...........that's not Jesus Christ's Church. That's a cult. And it's sick.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I saw so so huge shocking....when Bergoglio was in DR Congo....LGBT Group made to banner..welcome to Bergoglio....I heard....even though DR Congo don't have LGBT are illegal...but most DR Congo People against to LGBT Ideologies...they think this ideologies are western's wrong Ideologies!!!! I heard most DR Congo Bishops are same opinion....but Bergoglio want destroying to them …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I saw so so huge shocking....when Bergoglio was in DR Congo....LGBT Group made to banner..welcome to Bergoglio....I heard....even though DR Congo don't have LGBT are illegal...but most DR Congo People against to LGBT Ideologies...they think this ideologies are western's wrong Ideologies!!!! I heard most DR Congo Bishops are same opinion....but Bergoglio want destroying to them...so had huge horrible interview...now he is visiting in South Sudan....if he will say this wrong opinion..I am sure...most are against to him....even though so disgusting...but I hope share article...Kenjiro....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..African LGBTQ+ Advocates Welcome Pope Francis' Message on Decriminalization - New Ways Ministry
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -You are right. Even at St. Peter's Square, during Bergoglio's Sunday Angelus blessing, sometimes in the crowd there are people with gay flags 🤮 I hope we have a new Pope soon, who cancels everything Francis stands for, and goes back to calling homosexuals what they are, sodomite sinners.