
Cardinal McElroy Has A Problem with the Sixth Commandment

San Diego homosexualist Robert McElroy thinks that it is a "16th century notion" that all sexual sins are mortal sins. Christ, the Gospels and the Apostles date even from the first century, not to mention the Old Testament.

Responding to criticism of his call for “radical inclusion” [that excludes Catholics] in AmericaMagazine.org (February 3), McElroy contradicted Church’ teaching by saying that “I don’t think that’s a good part of the Catholic moral tradition” [that sexual mortal sins are called sexual mortal sins].

At least, he admits that “there is sinfulness in all its various forms in our sexual lives.” And, “all I’m saying is that in the Christian moral life, they don’t automatically represent mortal sin.” It "doesn't fit" for McElroy that sexual sins cut off the relationship with God.

Denying modern reality, he romanticises that sex is something "profound", not something "casual.”

McElroy claims that "we have cast violations for which you need to not go to the Eucharist, or need to go to confession first, largely in terms of sexual things.” Again, he is out of touch with reality, since confession is largely gone in the Novus Ordo Church and Communion is picked up as if it were a biscuit, even by Muslims.

After making so many unqualified judgments, a judgmental McElroy pontificated that “judgmentalism is the worst sin in the Christian life.”

Picture: Robert McElroy © U.S. Institute of Peace, CC BY, #newsIdhxvgkebi

Clifton Webb
Once again, McElroy uses the language once used by pedophile priest Paul Shanley. Obfuscate the truth. Evil isn’t really bad. And bad isn’t really that bad.
McElroy is off his rocker!
Tony M
The Sixth Commandment is not the problem, McElroy is!!!
Bobby McElroy keeps inching closer and closer to bursting out of that closet that he's been in for the past 69 years.
Louis IX
I am not in communion with creeps like this.
la verdad prevalece
In cahoots with Bergoglio, the homosexualist apostate McElroy defies the sixth commandment of the Law of God. Nick Donnelly on Twitter
Bonnie Louise
So many Bernardin Boys. Don't forget Dolan, Rossi (cardinal in waiting). George Neumayr was on top of it, and was killed for getting at the truth.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All Cardinals, bishops, priests who are so openly and strongly pro-homos, are probably homosexual (and maybe even actively homo) themselves. That goes for Cardinals McElroy, Cupich,Gregory, Tobin,Grech,Hollerich,Zuppi,etc.etc.etc.
la verdad prevalece
Calling an apostate who openly declares war on the Law of God a "cardinal" is an insult to the Catholic faith. The Magisterium of the Church teaches that the elevation of a heretic to any hierarchical position is invalid and null and that when a hierarch falls into heresy he is automatically excommunicated and therefore has no spiritual authority. In addition, the Magisterium of the Church warns …More
Calling an apostate who openly declares war on the Law of God a "cardinal" is an insult to the Catholic faith. The Magisterium of the Church teaches that the elevation of a heretic to any hierarchical position is invalid and null and that when a hierarch falls into heresy he is automatically excommunicated and therefore has no spiritual authority. In addition, the Magisterium of the Church warns that those who collaborate with heretics are also excommunicated, therefore continuing to recognize heretics as legitimate is a grave sin.
la verdad prevalece
McElroy's problem is called apostasy. McElroy rebels against Divine Natural Law. He is committing the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit by defying God's Law and contradicting Catholic moral doctrine.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The cartoon depicts a coming conclave to elect a new Pope........sooner than those confident radical homo lovers like McElroy,Cupich,Gregory,Hollerich,Zuppi,Grech think......very much sooner. So much so that it'll catch them unprepared.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I 100% agree with you!!!!! next Conclave...that time....all Orthodox Catholic People saying about huge voice!!!! all Wrong Cardinals Can't participate to Conclave!! can't elect to Pope!!! like agree with LGBT Ideologies, indiscriminate Abortion!!!!! than..get to real Pope, Orthodox Pope is much easy....I really, really want it!!! even though very hard....please Holy Ghost help …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I 100% agree with you!!!!! next Conclave...that time....all Orthodox Catholic People saying about huge voice!!!! all Wrong Cardinals Can't participate to Conclave!! can't elect to Pope!!! like agree with LGBT Ideologies, indiscriminate Abortion!!!!! than..get to real Pope, Orthodox Pope is much easy....I really, really want it!!! even though very hard....please Holy Ghost help to us...much pray it...ah Kenjiro...what do you want to Next Pope??? in my opinion....just Lord knows...Lord will choose...but I think Eminence Cardinal Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands..he is really great!! be cause he had a Doctor....so much, much knows about Gender Ideologies danger....if, if he will get to Papacy...I am sure...he will much fight it.....so I really want Eijk will be Holy Father...or any, any Orthodox Cardinals will be Pope...really nice...Eminence Cardinal Sarah is great...and Eminence Cardinal Erdo, Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary is great...Eminence Cardinal Muller is great too....just Lord knows....many talking sorry....God bless always you and all your family, lovely people...always learning a lot....jajajaa
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -The cardinals you mentioned would all be great Popes, but I think we are in for a surprise. I think the man chosen to be the next Pope isn't even a Cardinal yet......or maybe not even a Bishop. IN the Middle Ages in Europe, it happened a few times, that a very orthodox, traditional monk was chosen from a famous Order or monastery to be Pope. We might get a Pope who isn't a …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -The cardinals you mentioned would all be great Popes, but I think we are in for a surprise. I think the man chosen to be the next Pope isn't even a Cardinal yet......or maybe not even a Bishop. IN the Middle Ages in Europe, it happened a few times, that a very orthodox, traditional monk was chosen from a famous Order or monastery to be Pope. We might get a Pope who isn't a Cardinal because Bergoglio passed him over for the honor because he didn't like him because he was traditional.
I do not think we will get another Pope Francis II. If that were to happen, I think faithful Catholics would elect their own Pope, and build a seperate, traditional Catholic Church.
Didn’t St Paul tell us that fornicators won’t go to heaven?
English Catholic
As I've said before, Our Lady of Fatima said to St Jacinta Marto that more souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason. And Holy Scripture, the Catechism, and Sacred Tradition has stated, and will always state, that sexual sins against nature (i.e sodomy) are one of the four sins crying to Heaven for vengeance:- "There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are …More
As I've said before, Our Lady of Fatima said to St Jacinta Marto that more souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason. And Holy Scripture, the Catechism, and Sacred Tradition has stated, and will always state, that sexual sins against nature (i.e sodomy) are one of the four sins crying to Heaven for vengeance:- "There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are said to be sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: murder (Genesis 4:10), sodomy (Genesis 18:20-21), oppression of the poor (Exodus 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (James 5:4)." Cardinal McElroy can think what he wishes, but it doesn't alter the facts.
I think that the notion that heretic bishops should not be tarred and feathered is also very medieval.abolish the Novus Ordo and fools like this will have the opportunity to repent.