
Bishop Pulls Francis Cardinal by the Ears

Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Illinois, a canon lawyer, accuses San Diego homosexualist McElroy of heresy (FirstThings.com, February 28). Paprocki doesn’t name McElroy but quotes his articleMore
Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Illinois, a canon lawyer, accuses San Diego homosexualist McElroy of heresy (FirstThings.com, February 28).
Paprocki doesn’t name McElroy but quotes his article calling for homosex Communion.
“Until recently it would have been hard to imagine any successor of the apostles making such heterodox statements,” Paprocki writes citing Canon 1364 which states that someone guilty of heresy separates himself from the Church.
“Thus, a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, like any other Catholic who denies settled Catholic teaching, embraces heresy, the result of which is automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church." However, the excommunication of a cardinal can only be enforced by a pope, while Francis created McElroy a cardinal.
For Paprocki it is “deeply troubling" that a diocesan bishop is separated from the Church or not in full communion with it because of heresy.
He warns against a heretical cardinal voting in a papal conclave, as if this had not …More
good bishops are talking ,thank God
Bishop Paprocki is a native of Chicago. He is also known for holding an exorcism when Illinois passed same sex-sex marriages. A Bill legalizing same-sex marriage became Illinois law in November 2014 with the help of Catholic legislators and Gov. Pat Quinn, also a Catholic. Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield responded to the news by holding an exorcism in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception …More
Bishop Paprocki is a native of Chicago. He is also known for holding an exorcism when Illinois passed same sex-sex marriages. A Bill legalizing same-sex marriage became Illinois law in November 2014 with the help of Catholic legislators and Gov. Pat Quinn, also a Catholic. Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield responded to the news by holding an exorcism in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, saying that unions for gays and lesbians were a phenomenon that “comes from the devil and should be condemned as such,” according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The bishop also had harsh words for the lawmakers who supported the bill, calling them “morally complicit as co-operators in facilitating this grave sin.
A Good start. Deo Gratias
Sandy Barrett
"Thus a cardinal of the Catholic Church, like any other Catholic who denies settled Catholic teaching, embraces heresy, the result of which is automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! GOD BLESS BISHOP PAPROCKI.!!! I think there will be more, in the USA and elsewhere who will start calling out the heretics and apostates among them, INCLUDING FRANCIS HIMSELF. Pray for more good bishops to join the CATHOLIC cause and restoration of our Faith!! DOWN WITH FRANCIS AND HIS FELLOW HERETICS. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Excellency Bishop Paprocki said about great truth!!! I really worry...Bergoglio will trying remove to this brave, great Bishop in Springfield!!!! I think this crazy Old man and Bergoglian will try.....and I heard some great, Orthodox us bishops against to McElory...include Paprocki....like Archbishop Aquila(Archbishop of Denver), Archbishop Joseph Nauman(Archbishop of Kansas)…More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Excellency Bishop Paprocki said about great truth!!! I really worry...Bergoglio will trying remove to this brave, great Bishop in Springfield!!!! I think this crazy Old man and Bergoglian will try.....and I heard some great, Orthodox us bishops against to McElory...include Paprocki....like Archbishop Aquila(Archbishop of Denver), Archbishop Joseph Nauman(Archbishop of Kansas), Archbishop Sample(Archbishop of Portland, Oregon)....I hope one more asking....do you think we will get Orthodox Pope Possible??? after Bergoglio...next Pope is possible??? in fact...these days....I am not sure...I told you...Bergoglio want much staying longer to Papacy....all Oligarichi Media support to him....and main Catholic media same....and Bergoglio make so many wrong man to Bishops, Cardinals....they have power....so hard situation...so these days..I am not sure..we will get Orthodox Pope...real Pope...and after Bergoglio possible...not sure...I always pray to the Lord..we will get real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...I believe...Lord's Light must get victory...win...but this way is so hard, difficult..ah..maybe you heard...Bergoglio will visit to Hungary...April 28 to 30.....I think this visit is terrible to Hungary...I am sure..this man will trying destroying to Hungarian Church's effort...I heard...Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest) is a Orthodox Cardinal..Great Papabile....many Hungarian Bishops are same...so Bergoglio will trying remove to their effort....and this crazy man will saying about Open Border, allow to Islamic Immigration, Refugees...this man will dose not saying about Christian Immigration, Christian Refugees....so horrible.....we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Dethrone!!! I hope before Bergoglio will going to Hungary...Bergoglio going to hell!!! so Orthodox Pope will visit to Hungary...really want it!!!! many talking sorry...our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..have a great Lent season to