I am an autistic priest. It is the only life I know. However, being both autistic and a Catholic priest is not the most obvious combo for most people. Since I have made my diagnosis public about a month ago I have given 4 interviews. Hopefully, citing three here will help you understand how I combine these two things. The first two interviews are with general Catholic news sites while the third is …More
I am an autistic priest. It is the only life I know. However, being both autistic and a Catholic priest is not the most obvious combo for most people. Since I have made my diagnosis public about a month ago I have given 4 interviews. Hopefully, citing three here will help you understand how I combine these two things. The first two interviews are with general Catholic news sites while the third is with an autistic Christian blog. The fourth interview about being an autistic priest was in Spanish and on video not written so is hard to cite here. All other news stories about me as an autistic priest are based on these, or in the caase of CNA, often reprints. I also put the script and my video online...

What Is It Like Being an Autistic Priest?

What Is It Like Being an Autistic Priest? May 9, 2019 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Profile picture for my “Autistic Priest” social media. I am an autistic priest …
I respect priests who write religious writing or about how do we live our faith, not about themselves.
Facts Not Lies
I too am autistic. OK really I have been placed on the 'spectrum'. And have been since the 60's.
No. Really, one small aspect of my life is my autism. My autism is not 'who' nor 'what' I am more than is my having thalassemia. It is just one of my challenges which require self education and behavioral/dietary alterations to support self betterment.
My 'hat' is hung on the 'I am Human' nail despite …More
I too am autistic. OK really I have been placed on the 'spectrum'. And have been since the 60's.

No. Really, one small aspect of my life is my autism. My autism is not 'who' nor 'what' I am more than is my having thalassemia. It is just one of my challenges which require self education and behavioral/dietary alterations to support self betterment.

My 'hat' is hung on the 'I am Human' nail despite my misconceptions derived from the challenges of my birth/genetics. (how am I doing?)
Rand Miller
Almost like Uriah Heep.
It's like déjà-vu all over again...
He made his autism public long ago on twitter. Maybe the vax induces amnesia as well. Or else he's just a fraud.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
I have been slowly posting all my old articles here. moving backwards through my posts.
Les Crispi
Autism for most people is virtue signalling crap.