
Amazon Synod: Liberal Cardinals Held Conspirative Meeting

A secretive June 25 meeting of mostly German prelates took place in a monastery near Rome to discuss strategies for the upcoming Amazon Synod.

A spokesman of Vienna Cardinal Schönborn confirmed to LifeSiteNews.com that the meeting took place although Schönborn couldn't attend due to his cancer treatment.

Among the participants were the anti-Catholic cardinals Hummes (Brazil), Baldisseri (Italy), Kasper (Germany) and the bishops Kräutler (Brazil) and Overbeck (Germany).

Further, the German theologians Thomas Schüller and Josef Sayer were present as well as the former nun Doris Wagner, who falsely accused two priests of abuse.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHrsrqwcrqu
Heretics will burn.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Up to their old tricks again, just like VII council.
.... and, by the way... that "council" was not a Catholic one!
I don't think they need conspiratorial meetings with the present officeholder, just suggest strategems to him.
hopefully they'll use a lot of incense