Last Supper Show: Here Comes the "Only Expression" Of the Novus Ordo

Rev. Peter Dries staged a self-made Maundy Thursday liturgy in the Novus Ordo. He is the parish priest of St Nicholas in Raeren in the German-speaking part of Belgium. His assistants were six male and …More
Rev. Peter Dries staged a self-made Maundy Thursday liturgy in the Novus Ordo. He is the parish priest of St Nicholas in Raeren in the German-speaking part of Belgium.
His assistants were six male and six female teenagers dressed as the Twelve Apostles. They were seated at a U-shaped banquet table in front of the tabernacle representing the Last Supper.
While two women on the right behind the teenagers read the slightly altered Gospel, Dries played 'Jesus' by acting according to the script of the Gospel. The motto of the event was "Celebrating a meal together." This is the most superficial explanation of the Last Supper.
On the table there were chalices from the time when Holy Mass was celebrated in the parish, jugs of red wine and twelve plates and cups for the teenagers who represented the apostles.
The no longer young Dries, who is also involved in homosexual propaganda, washed the young people's feet but, unlike Francis, didn't kiss them.
In the midst of this theatre, he presided …More
Looking at the picture , I’d call this gaslighting our youth.
Opera 369
Let them bathe in their own putrid waters; the only way for these people, imposters (whatever they think they are) to elevate their self to mock what is 'unreachable'! Cannot even offer pity to them!
John A Cassani
When I was a kid, my parish had a Good Friday liturgy that substituted a school children’s Passion Play for the proclamation of the Passion according to John. They used the altar as the table to reenact the Last Supper. I think that abuses like that are less common today in the US, but they certainly haven’t been eliminated, and never will be, as long as the current rites are used.
Never seen a "Passion play" by young people, but I have fond memories of the Christmas pageants of my childhood. I usually played a wise man! 😇 Of course in those sensible times, this was done in the church hall, not at Mass.
John A Cassani
@Orthocat I didn’t even mention that in the 90s, some years later, my parish’s Good Friday liturgy, for adults, substituted a sort of play, with different characters doing soliloquies, narrating their view of the Passion. It was written and directed by an SVD who resided in the rectory. The evil one always focuses his efforts to affect the most solemn days.
This is how Protestants 're-enact' the Lord's Table. NOT. CATHOLIC. AT. ALL. 😤
Hard to believe he got away with having Judas portrayed by a "strong, female character" - maybe because to these heretics they consider him to be the hero of the story? 🤔