
Russian Metropolitan: “Biden Cannot Call Himself A Catholic“

"What, in fact, is Biden's Catholicism?" - Russian-Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfejew, the second man after the Moscow Patriarch, asked on MosPat.ru (October 30).

Alfejew adds, "The Catholic Church is against abortion, and Mr. Biden is in favour of it.” According to Alfejew, a person cannot call himself a Catholic, "and at the same time violate and call for the violation of fundamental norms of Christian morality.”

He made this comment after he was asked how “Catholic Biden” could insist so strongly to repeal Texas' pro-life “heartbeat law”.

Alfrejew is a promoter of abortion-tainted vaccines. The Russian-Orthodox are about to endorse artificial insemination although this includes the killing of embryos.


Christ founded the Catholic Church and Christ said the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Your claim that the Church no longer exists therefore contradicts Christ @Angelo Santelli Guess who's wrong? :P
Angelo Santelli
Since there is no longer a Roman Catholic Church-- and there is not, no matter how much one yells that there is-- there is nothing from which to be schismatic for Eastern Orthodoxy.
Neither can schismatics. :P
Angelo Santelli
It definitely do seem that this youngster Alfejew is making a fool of himself. He does not represent Orthodoxy-- where each patriarchate cannot speak for any other. He speaks here only for his ignorant self.
A spider does not kill its own babies ,that is why they might be more caring than some humans
chris griffin
Abortion is the crime of LYING IN WAIT which is first degree murder. Surprise murderous attack on her own baby with malice aforethought for days or weeks. Ps 10:8, Prov 1:11 & 12:6, Deut 19:11. Biden approves, promotes and legislates it.
Thanks for the post and bible verses.
Jan Joseph
Maar helaas paus Franciscus is net als Biden niet Rooms Katholiek.