
German Priest Performs Gay Pseudo-Blessing In Gay Sauna

Father Wolfgang Rothe performed a November 4 homosex blessing in Munich's gay sauna Deutsche Eiche, he wrote on Facebook.com.

Rothe who has a dazzling biography was accompanied by a BBC "journalist." Ordained by conservative St Pölten Bishop Kurt Krenn, Austria, he became the vice-rector of now defunct St Pölten seminary. In 2004 pictures showing him while seemingly kissing seminarians on their lips producing a scandal that made worldwide headlines. After that, Rothe returned to Germany working in Munich Archdiocese.

In recent years, he has again been active on the homosex front. In May, photos showing him while performing homosex pseudo-blessings went around the world. Rothe regularly reports brethren priests critical of homosexualism to Gaystapo prosecutors for "hate speech" according to a secular blasphemy legislation used in some European countries.

Rothe's homosex activism is condoned by Munich archdiocese. Gloria.tv user @dlawe contacted the Archdiocese and received a verbose response explaining that no measures will be taken.


Xaw Ma and one more user link to this post
A gay sauna is a far more familiar venue to many Conciliar priests than Catholic places of pilgrimage and prayer.
Did GTV really need a shot of two guys swappin' spit? ewww...
Jan Joseph
Op de Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms Katholieke Concilie Novus Ordo kerk van paus Franciscus rust een vloek, alles wat deze kerk heeft voortgebracht zal tot de grond worden vernietigd. Het Goede, God, wint het altijd van het Kwade, de Duivel. Het Goede, het Universele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie wint het altijd van het Kwade de Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms …More
Op de Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms Katholieke Concilie Novus Ordo kerk van paus Franciscus rust een vloek, alles wat deze kerk heeft voortgebracht zal tot de grond worden vernietigd. Het Goede, God, wint het altijd van het Kwade, de Duivel. Het Goede, het Universele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie wint het altijd van het Kwade de Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms Katholieke Concilie Novus Ordo kerk van paus Franciscus.
The devils altar boys .
Hugh N. Cry
Defeat Modernism
That guy isn't a valid priest. He was ordained in the new rite of the heretics. He is a sodomite that is playing pretend. The novus ordo 'priests' are all playing pretend and leading souls to hell. That is why no one should be supporting their diocese or parish. Catholics need to completely abandon the new mass and the Novus Ordo Cult of Man.
Dr Bobus
Who are you to say he was not ordained validly?
Defeat Modernism
It's not me that says it, it is Pius XII, the Council of Trent, and Catholic Sacramental Theology. The Novus Ordo Homo-Pedo Cult changed all the rites of the sacraments to NEW ones which was condemned by Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent. So just starting out the new rite of ordination is illicit and therefore a sacrilege to take part in but what do these sodomite and pedo bishops and so …More
It's not me that says it, it is Pius XII, the Council of Trent, and Catholic Sacramental Theology. The Novus Ordo Homo-Pedo Cult changed all the rites of the sacraments to NEW ones which was condemned by Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent. So just starting out the new rite of ordination is illicit and therefore a sacrilege to take part in but what do these sodomite and pedo bishops and so called priests care about that? They love committing sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance. Here is Pius XII's document on the sacraments papalencyclicals.net/pius12/p12sacrao.htm Pope Leo XIII declared the Anglican orders "absolutely null and utterly void" - these orders/rites are similar to the Masonic-Protestant Novus Ordo rites. This video will explain all of this in clear detail as to why no Catholic who values his salvation should attend the new mass or received doubtful (if not completely invalid) sacraments from the Novus Ordo 'priests' youtu.be/h6QbSvXw3o8
Dr Bobus
Trent referred to liceity not validity. The same Papal authority used by Pius XII to establish the Rite of Ordination was also used by Paul VI to revise it.
Leo XIII in Apostolicae Curae merely restated what Julius III had stated at the time of the introduction of the Edwardine (Anglican Ordinal).
For hundreds of years the Anglicans didn't care what Rome said. After Leo decided to reestablish the …More
Trent referred to liceity not validity. The same Papal authority used by Pius XII to establish the Rite of Ordination was also used by Paul VI to revise it.

Leo XIII in Apostolicae Curae merely restated what Julius III had stated at the time of the introduction of the Edwardine (Anglican Ordinal).

For hundreds of years the Anglicans didn't care what Rome said. After Leo decided to reestablish the English hierarchy, the Angicans "got religious" and asked Rome to re-consider the matter. Apostolicae Curae, with research said to be done by Cardinal Merry del Val, reconsidered the matter--and came to the same conclusion.

The decision, btw, was not merely a matter of Sacramental Form but of Intention, as known by the Anglican theology at the time of the publication of the Edwardine Ordinal.
By their fruits you will know them! This dude is not a priest - if he ever was, he forfeited the "grace of office" by his public apostasy from the Catholic Faith
"changed all the rites of the sacraments to NEW ones which was condemned by Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent." @Defeat Modernism Not this again... As I told you back in May, the last time you suggested this stupidity, The Novus Ordo Mass is a form of the Roman Rite .It isn't a new sacrament or a new rite. You don't know your own faith. wikipedia.org/…/Catholic_particular_churches_…More
"changed all the rites of the sacraments to NEW ones which was condemned by Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent." @Defeat Modernism Not this again... As I told you back in May, the last time you suggested this stupidity, The Novus Ordo Mass is a form of the Roman Rite .It isn't a new sacrament or a new rite. You don't know your own faith. wikipedia.org/…/Catholic_particular_churches_and_liturgical_rites
Xaw Ma
The first photo of this kiss treated by AI software:
Terry Nelson, from Minneapolis (USA) did a painting entitled "Seminary Visitation" illustrating this scandal. As he explains in his blog: « I did a retablo/ex-voto style painting called Seminary Visitation based upon the Wolfgang Rothe seminary scandal...
It depicts a procession entering, three or four half-naked figures of startled young men, …More
The first photo of this kiss treated by AI software:

Terry Nelson, from Minneapolis (USA) did a painting entitled "Seminary Visitation" illustrating this scandal. As he explains in his blog: « I did a retablo/ex-voto style painting called Seminary Visitation based upon the Wolfgang Rothe seminary scandal...
It depicts a procession entering, three or four half-naked figures of startled young men, escaping pigs, some kind of strange winged ghost (?) (devil?)... So it's actually quite a complete and adequate commentary on the St. Polten scandal, see :

Catholic Teaching 'Inciting hatred'?

See also :

The Fall of Father Dr. Wolfgang Rothe