
Francis: “You Are Really Communists! Congratulations, Go Ahead"

Two communists, Andrea Ferroni, and a female companion, with a shoulder bag featuring Antonio Gramsci (+1937), a founding member of the Italian Communist Party tried to enter the Vatican on October 27.

They were immediately stopped by police but answered that "we have an appointment with the Pope." Francis’ secretary confirmed that this was true.

The two belong to the youth section of Rifondazione Comunista (Communist Refoundation Party) which still uses hammer and sickle, a symbol outlawed in many countries.

Repubblica.it (October 29) explains that “the similarities in thinking between Jorge Mario Bergoglio's social message and the radical left's criticism of the capitalist model are well known.”

Ferroni told the newspaper after the meeting that “we talked for a few minutes.” When Francis saw Gramsci’s face on the bag, he said, “You are really communists! Congratulations, go ahead."

The self-righeous Communist told Repubblica.it later that “notwithstanding the contradictions of an institution such as the Church, today it is impossible for us not to appreciate Francis radical position in questioning, in revealing the injustices and iniquities of the economic system."

The leader of Rifondazione Comunista, Maurizio Acerbo, was excited about the visit and said that “at the party congress a few days ago, I mentioned the Pope and thanked him for welcoming back our comrade Eugenio Melandri.”

The Communist added that in the Italian parliament nobody thinks like us, “except the Pope” but he admitted that the Communists – only on the surface - have “different visions on many issues” such as aborting children, the Vatican-Italy Concordat, and homosex propaganda.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk , CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQuqqpacmyy

Angelo Santelli
"Poorly formed priest" now living in the lap of incalculable luxury. The RC Church does a great job of screening its candidates for Holy Orders. LOL
And this latest blurb may be of interest:
Francis-Bergoglio Is Closing Convents
Particularly Contemplative Ones
Like Those of the Carmelites
Now Practically Emptied
He Is Ripping out the Grates and Grilles
And Sending Inquisitors to Shut Them Down
Next …More
"Poorly formed priest" now living in the lap of incalculable luxury. The RC Church does a great job of screening its candidates for Holy Orders. LOL

And this latest blurb may be of interest:

Francis-Bergoglio Is Closing Convents
Particularly Contemplative Ones
Like Those of the Carmelites
Now Practically Emptied
He Is Ripping out the Grates and Grilles
And Sending Inquisitors to Shut Them Down
Next in Line Is Mother Angelica's Poor Clares
Who Are Being Forced to Go "Gay Friendly"
Newbishops Friendly to the Beleaguered
Pseudo-traditionalist Nuns
Have Been Removed
Bergoglio as Superior of the Argentine Jesuits was definitely not a Communist, but the false sacrifices of radical Jesuits evidently made an impression on this poorly formed priest. Now Francis is an orthodox Communist in the sense of the modern mix of corporate impunity, social liberalism, the worship of pagan deities like pachamama or Fetanyl Floyd or the UN. An unrepentant Francis can expect the …More
Bergoglio as Superior of the Argentine Jesuits was definitely not a Communist, but the false sacrifices of radical Jesuits evidently made an impression on this poorly formed priest. Now Francis is an orthodox Communist in the sense of the modern mix of corporate impunity, social liberalism, the worship of pagan deities like pachamama or Fetanyl Floyd or the UN. An unrepentant Francis can expect the fires of hell if he cannot repent, and it seems unlikely.
Not one word about anyone checking their "vaccine passports" either. These were communists and they had an appointment. That was enough.
Didnt Mary mother of God told the 3 little sheppards in Fatima to consecrate Russia to her imaculated heart so the communist Russia not to spread the communism errors ? you can not serve two Gods thus said the Lord
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Anyone still following this guy is following Judas.
Defeat Modernism
Can one who is an open communists, rejects the Church's teaching on everything, openly worships idols be a true pope? Can one who never took the Papal Oath and who reject the Catholic definition of the papacy be a true Pope? No, he cannot be. Also, he was not even validly ordained or validly consecrated bishop as the new rites are at best doubtful.
Francis was ordained by a valid bishop and the rite has what Pius XII specified (the lack of 'ut' is not a sufficient different, and while the new rite lacks so much, it is sufficient with a valid bishop, for the new episcopal rite is a stupid, fragment of an Egyptian prayer, which wasn't even meant for consecrating anyone), but Bergoglio the bad is now like Luther who was himself an ordained priest …More
Francis was ordained by a valid bishop and the rite has what Pius XII specified (the lack of 'ut' is not a sufficient different, and while the new rite lacks so much, it is sufficient with a valid bishop, for the new episcopal rite is a stupid, fragment of an Egyptian prayer, which wasn't even meant for consecrating anyone), but Bergoglio the bad is now like Luther who was himself an ordained priest, but became an apostate. It would be of interest to work out when Bergoglio became an apostate, how he went from a conservative superior of Argentine Jesuits to vicar of anti-christ?
Angelo Santelli
Abp Vigano seems to think Bergoglio is not true Pope. Does this make him a sedvacantis? LOL
Newarchbishop and Former Ambassador to the U.S.
Carlo Vigano
Excoriates Francis-Bergoglio
For Calling Abortophile U.S. President J.R. Biden
A "Good Catholic ," i.e., Newchurcher
And Encouraging Him to Continue to Munch
The Fake (Invalid) Novus Ordo Cookie and Kool-Aid
Vigano Denounced Bergoglio …More
Abp Vigano seems to think Bergoglio is not true Pope. Does this make him a sedvacantis? LOL
Newarchbishop and Former Ambassador to the U.S.
Carlo Vigano
Excoriates Francis-Bergoglio
For Calling Abortophile U.S. President J.R. Biden
A "Good Catholic ," i.e., Newchurcher
And Encouraging Him to Continue to Munch
The Fake (Invalid) Novus Ordo Cookie and Kool-Aid
Vigano Denounced Bergoglio for Duplicity
And Intimated Again that Bergoglio Is Not a True Pope
chris griffin
PF is a heretic and a heretic cannot be Pope.
Please link the Church decree condemning Pope Francis for heresy @chris griffin. I'd really like to see the list of signatories. ;-)
atreverse pensar
When will the Swiss Guard apprehend him?
Jan Joseph
Het is duidelijk dat paus Franciscus een communist is en door de communisten door een staatsgreep benoemd tot Paus. In 2013 hebben de communisten, Clinton, Obama, Merkel, Hollande, enz met steun van de Europese Unie een staatsgreep laten plegen in het Vaticaan. Er is voor dit probleem maar een oplossing een nieuwe Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke kerk stichten samen met de Pius X broederschap.