
Liturgical Combination Furniture: On the Left a Muezzin, on the Right a Novus Ordo Presider

While the Irish remain locked-out from their churches, Tuam Archdiocese, Ireland, allowed two Muslims to hold their Friday prayer on the pulpit while, simultaneously, a priest presided a Eucharist in …More
While the Irish remain locked-out from their churches, Tuam Archdiocese, Ireland, allowed two Muslims to hold their Friday prayer on the pulpit while, simultaneously, a priest presided a Eucharist in front of nobody.
The April 3 event was reported by CatholicArena.com (video below). The presider was Father Stephen Farragher of St Patrick Church in Ballyhaunis who was assisted by two Muslims chanting an Adhan prayer.
Farragher called this in front of MidWestRadio.ie a "prayer in solidarity” against the coronavirus.
St Patrick, you killed all the snakes in Ireland. Where are you now, you need to come back and kill the snakes dressed as priests, that Ireland has in her Catholic Churches.
This is the future of "the Church" in the UK/ Ireland. Eventually, most of the services will be Muslim, then the windows will be mysteriously vandalized and replaced with islamic patterns. This will propmpt a building "renovation" with all permanent Christian symbols replaced with easily removable "banners". Eventually, the building will be quietly sold to the Muslims and the Christian parish "…More
This is the future of "the Church" in the UK/ Ireland. Eventually, most of the services will be Muslim, then the windows will be mysteriously vandalized and replaced with islamic patterns. This will propmpt a building "renovation" with all permanent Christian symbols replaced with easily removable "banners". Eventually, the building will be quietly sold to the Muslims and the Christian parish "consolidated" somwhere else hundreds of miles away.
If this was recorded live where are the Catholics storming in and tossing out these to idiots one a heathen/pagan the other a heretic/judas both are interchangeable
These are the results of Judas doing a deal with demons
This invokes a very severe punishment of God.
Traitors and dim wits. Moslem now regard that as a mosque. Moslem conquerors in the past might refuse to use a church as that was now a mosque under sharia. I suppose they take their cue from Bergoglio the unbeliever.
Berg, not the unbeliever, the hellbent destroyer, the defiler, the commie infiltrator, the devil's mediocre but effective tool, etc.
Jesus forgive them for they............