Bad Situation: Gänswein Is without Work

Archbishop Georg Gänswein is "still suffering" from the death of Benedict XVI, he told (29 December). His current situation is not satisfactory: "I'm without tasks and without work, and …More
Archbishop Georg Gänswein is "still suffering" from the death of Benedict XVI, he told (29 December).
His current situation is not satisfactory: "I'm without tasks and without work, and that's bad".
Gänswein also suffers from lies on the internet, for example when they call conferences to which Gänswein is invited "anti Francis", as if he "disobeys" Francis.
He also mentioned other "untruths" that spread about him, such as that Francis had "forbidden him to travel" or that he had refused several offers to teach.
The critical work for abp. Ganswein to do is testify to pope Benedict XVI 's claimancy to Petrine Office untill 31.12.2022. Will he demonstrate sufficient fortitude and decency in his life after having served two masters ?
Opera 369
He had no idea how 'lost' he would be without Benedict XVI. But... he believed in the manipulated 'promises' of Bergoglio. (Comes to mind a line from the movie The Thorn Birds, (anyone remember that movie?) Maggie facing Ralph (Father Ralph who sacrificed the love of his life (Maggie) for ambition to become Cardinal/Pope), so in one of the last scenes Maggie facing Ralph says to him with contempt …More
He had no idea how 'lost' he would be without Benedict XVI. But... he believed in the manipulated 'promises' of Bergoglio. (Comes to mind a line from the movie The Thorn Birds, (anyone remember that movie?) Maggie facing Ralph (Father Ralph who sacrificed the love of his life (Maggie) for ambition to become Cardinal/Pope), so in one of the last scenes Maggie facing Ralph says to him with contempt of a 'scorned' (let's say) woman but a woman who never stopped loving him: "Poor, Poor Ralph". So we say, POOR, POOR GEORG, you are either up in the air, or somewhere in limbo..... 🤔
Ivan Tomas
He have a a work. A wonderful work. Is he not an employee of God himself?! Who told him:
"Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world."
How so then without a work!?More
He have a a work. A wonderful work. Is he not an employee of God himself?! Who told him:
"Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world."

How so then without a work!?
Why Opus Dei guys do not want to help their comrade, the world wonders.
Opera 369
What really bothers Ganswein is that he has had to 'obey the diktats' of Bergoglio; which translates to: having had to lie about what he wrote in his book (which was not the truth, but imposed declarations) and all the other non-truths he has had to tell about Benedict XVI, in order to stay in the 'civilized universe' and not be sent somewhere in the Amazonian Jungle. It's his conscience that really …More
What really bothers Ganswein is that he has had to 'obey the diktats' of Bergoglio; which translates to: having had to lie about what he wrote in his book (which was not the truth, but imposed declarations) and all the other non-truths he has had to tell about Benedict XVI, in order to stay in the 'civilized universe' and not be sent somewhere in the Amazonian Jungle. It's his conscience that really bothers Ganswein, in my opinion! All these 'soldiers/apostles' of Christ that have no backbone... to stand tall and defend the Church... how sad!