
More Renewal: Another Seminary At the End

St John's Seminary in Wonersh, England, will close next year. The remaining seminarians will continue their formation at Allen Hall, Chelsea. The seminary currently has 17 students from Southwark, …More
St John's Seminary in Wonersh, England, will close next year. The remaining seminarians will continue their formation at Allen Hall, Chelsea.
The seminary currently has 17 students from Southwark, Arundel and Brighton, Clifton, and Portsmouth.
Six of these are due to complete their formation next summer. Of the 11 remaining, five will be deacons in their final year. There were no new admissions in 2020.
The number of seminarians is too small to sustain a healthy formation, a statement claims, adding that the building and staffing costs have become prohibitive.
The seminary’s moto is Spes messis in semine – the hope of the harvest is in the seed. The seminary started in 1889 and moved to Wonersh in 1891.
Jeffrey Ade
More "fruits" of vatican 2. No pun intended!