
A Covid Casualty? “For Strictly Personal Reasons"

Today, Francis accepted the resignation of Punta Arenas Bishop Bernardo Bastres, 66, Chile.

Bastres, a Salesian, was consecrated a bishop in 2006. He released a statement saying that "all the events that we have had to live through in recent years" have "affected me personally."

His resignation will become effective with the appointment of his successor. Bastres writes that he has been evaluating his performance as pastor and that he presented his resignation “for strictly personal reasons.”

In March, he dared to challenge the Coronavirus regime calling it “an attack on religious freedom”


Martine Bernadette Giambertone
Let's give the Bishop credit this was on his own initiative. If so, his conscience simply wouldn't allow him to keep inflicting "covid hysteria" on his diocese in any fashion.
Jan Joseph
De bisschop kan het beleid van het Vaticaan niet meer voor zijn geweten verantwoorden.