
Burke: Francis Has No Authority To Forbid The Roman Mass

Cardinal Burke’s July 22 statement calls Francis' Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes „severe“ and „revolutionary.“

Burke denies that Francis has the power to abrogate the Roman Mass because his power is not absolute. Therefore he cannot change Catholic doctrine or eradicate a liturgical discipline alive in the Church since the time of Gregory the Great (+604) and even earlier.

Accordingly, Article 1 of Traditionis Custodes which claims that the Novus Ordo "is the only expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite" cannot be understood as it is written.

Burke recalls that “every valid celebration of a sacrament, by the very fact that it is a sacrament, is also, beyond any ecclesiastical legislation, an act of worship and, therefore, also a profession of faith.” In that sense it is not possible to deny that the Roman Missal is a valid expression of the lex orandi of the Church.

This is so, Burke explains, because of the objective reality of divine grace which cannot be changed by a mere act of the will, not even by a pope.

Picture: Raymond Burke, © Joseph Shaw CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHoswzhoysb

atreverse pensar
But what are you talking about? Paul VI already banned it de facto, and you have kept quiet for decades because of that.
"de facto" because he realized he couldn't do what Pope F has tried to do -- both were wrong/evil but Pope F's maneuver is not within his power
Ave Crux
NO Pope has the authority to forbid the TLM or to suppress two Millennia of Tradition. Any act or ruling which opposes the common good of the Church is null and void. This is the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Authority simply cannot be used to injure, to destroy -- and that is exactly what has been done since -- and in the name of -- Vatican II. The destruction is clear. Destruction and harm …More
NO Pope has the authority to forbid the TLM or to suppress two Millennia of Tradition. Any act or ruling which opposes the common good of the Church is null and void. This is the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Authority simply cannot be used to injure, to destroy -- and that is exactly what has been done since -- and in the name of -- Vatican II. The destruction is clear. Destruction and harm to the common good can never be consented to.

Only those who have dedicated their apostolates to Tradition have flourished and formed true Catholics who love the laws and the honor of Almighty God.
A priest may have the right according to Canon Law to say TLM against his bishop's wishes, but his Bishop sure can re-assign that priest to a Chancery office job or to prison ministry. Marxists don't care what the law is............. they use it where helpful and ignore it when not. Can't ever say that's hypocritical ! (see Hubert Marcuse's Repressive Tolerance)
Papal authority is not absolute but limited to being the guardian and protector of the Catholic Apostolic deposit of faith, something Francis has failed to do. Cardinal Burke makes a good point, that this includes all the Ancient rites that have their origin from the Apostles, which can never be abrogated. Imagine if Francis gave a Motu Propio addressing the Eastern bishops and attempting to overly …More
Papal authority is not absolute but limited to being the guardian and protector of the Catholic Apostolic deposit of faith, something Francis has failed to do. Cardinal Burke makes a good point, that this includes all the Ancient rites that have their origin from the Apostles, which can never be abrogated. Imagine if Francis gave a Motu Propio addressing the Eastern bishops and attempting to overly regulate the Marian rite in Lebanon to force it to extinction in favor of the Novus Ordo. The Eastern bishops would just ignore it since it has no legitimacy in Tradition. This Pope behaves as if his authority is volitionally arbitrary.