
Cdl. Cupich defends giving Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians

BALTIMORE, June 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago defended giving Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians …
Child of Our Lady
The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: ‘Here is the wolf!’ when it enters the flock or anywhere else.” St. Francis de Sales
"But if the teacher himself goes astray and teaches a different teaching that undermines all this do not listen to him" The Didache: The Teaching of the Lord by the Twelve Apostles. ch. 11.First century AD.
Homoheretics everywhere. Lord save your people
Weak, weak, weak bishops.
Homo apostate.
This man is possessed by SATAN ! Do NOT follow him !
Gesù è con noi
Gesù è con noi
La Iglesia ha anatematizado a los que dicen que se pueden recibir la comunión en pecado mortal.
Counterproductive to what ends? He's simply repeating Dolan's subterfuge. He is a coward just like Dolan.
Actually, sanctions do have a remedial effect and can change behavior. But more importantly, that is if you're interested in souls and protecting the Eucharistic Lord, which these hirelings obviously are not, is to prevent a sacrilege which further imperils the soul and is a gross offense to …More
Counterproductive to what ends? He's simply repeating Dolan's subterfuge. He is a coward just like Dolan.

Actually, sanctions do have a remedial effect and can change behavior. But more importantly, that is if you're interested in souls and protecting the Eucharistic Lord, which these hirelings obviously are not, is to prevent a sacrilege which further imperils the soul and is a gross offense to our Lord. What do they care? Not one sliver.

And when you have Cupich and Dolan spewing this drivel, what is the incentive for the offending politicians to amend their life before it's too late?
Alex A
This man is not a 'man of God'!!! He is in truth, a 'puppet of Francis' a Pope who doesn't believe in the truths of the Catholic Church. Both have publicly lied on a number of occasions thus causing scandal. Now Cupich wants to scandalise the faithful further with his/Francis's edit allowing public sinners to receive Holy Communion. How on earth did the likes of Cupich/Francis get through their …More
This man is not a 'man of God'!!! He is in truth, a 'puppet of Francis' a Pope who doesn't believe in the truths of the Catholic Church. Both have publicly lied on a number of occasions thus causing scandal. Now Cupich wants to scandalise the faithful further with his/Francis's edit allowing public sinners to receive Holy Communion. How on earth did the likes of Cupich/Francis get through their seminary years and go on to reach the top echelons of the church? It beggars belief! Dear GOD bring an end to this stupidity of non - believers wrecking havoc on your Church!!!